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Romanian Govt To Shut Down Illegal Buildings On Black Sea Coast, Raise Fines

Romania's Government plans to close every illegal building, whether completed or under construction, on the Black Sea Coast and will increase the fines for such buildings ten times.
Romanian Govt To Shut Down Illegal Buildings On Black Sea Coast, Raise Fines

An emergency ordinance amending Law 597/2001 on authorization for buildings on the Black Sea Coast will enter force ten days after being published in the Official Journal. The amendments provide exemptions from the provisions of an older law on building authorization, thereby allowing authorities to instantly shut down an illegal construction project.

The Government will also increase the value of fines for illegal buildings to 10,000-50,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1152) from the current RON1000-5000.

The ordinance explains there are „alarming signals” that authorization rules are not observed, given the large number of illegal buildings in the Black Sea Coast area. Its urgency is prompted by the need to stop the spread of unauthorized buildings on the coast, which seriously affect protected natural zones, areas with tourist potential and resorts, the document says.