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Romanian Car Repair Shops Might Double Prices Following Authorization Tax Hike

The Romanian Association of Independent Car Repair Shops (ASSAI) said Thursday service garages might have to raise repair prices following a decision by the Romanian Auto Registry (RAR) to increase annual repair shop authorization taxes.
Romanian Car Repair Shops Might Double Prices Following Authorization Tax Hike

ASSAI manager Cristian Muntean said in a news release the decision took effect on October 1 and increases 10 to 20 times annual taxes authorizing car repair shops. Considering this situation, car fixing prices charged by service garages might soon double, Muntean added.

According to Muntean, repair shops will pay besides a 1,000 lei (about EUR230) authorization tax, RON90 for maximum three car service activities, RON50 for each extra activity and RON500 for each brand they represent.

He warned that half of the 7,000 authorized repair shops in Romania might see no alternative but cease their activity.

ASSAI is member of the Confederation of Romanian Authorized Transporters.
