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Romanian President Says Would Welcome Govt Reshuffle

Romanian President Traian Basescu said late Monday on public television he would quickly accept replacing Cabinet members but the prime minister needs to stay to ensure stability.
Romanian President Says Would Welcome Govt Reshuffle
Oana Gavrila
15 nov. 2011, 10:20, English

Asked whether the Cabinet could use a reshuffle after the IMF review mission, Basescu said: „If the prime minister comes up with such a proposition, I will be quick to approve it.”

Asked whether he thinks the prime minister should be replaced, Basescu said that would push the country into political crisis, and that is „not what Romania needs right now.”

The head of state said recently there would be no talk of Cabinet reshuffling ahead of the IMF delegation’s visit to assess the country’s progress under a precautionary stand-by agreement.