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Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Bill Making November 30 Legal Holiday

Romania's Senate on Tuesday tacitly adopted a bill making November 30, the feast of Saint Andrew, a legal non-working holiday.
Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Bill Making November 30 Legal Holiday

St. Andrew is traditionally considered the patron saint of Romania.

The bill’s sponsors point out that Romania is one of the states with the least non-working holidays; it has eleven: January 1-2, December 25-26, May 1 (International Labor Day), the Assumption of Mary, the first and second days of Easter, December 1, and the first and second days of the Pentecost.

The Senate’s committee for labor issued a negative report on the bill, most members arguing that reducing the working days in a year would affect the state budget.

The deciding house for this bill is the Chamber of Deputies.