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Romanian Govt Keeps Livestock Subsidy At Current Level, Over Budget Constraints

Romania's Government has allotted over 1 billion lei (EUR230 million) for subsidies per head for sheep, goats and cattle, but will not increase the amount per head, despite the number of subsidized animals increasing by about 1 million heads since last year.
Romanian Govt Keeps Livestock Subsidy At Current Level, Over Budget Constraints

Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said in a press conference that the Government was unable to raise the subsidy per head because of budgetary constraints.

The subsidy has remained RON40 per head for sheep and goats; the Government allotted a total 336,491,415 lei, while the number of animals has increased by 800,000 heads since last year. The subsidy for cattle has remained RON410 per head, with the Government allotting a total 665,531,680, while the total stock has increased by 200,000 heads since last year.

Tabara said the Government has also moved the payment date for life annuities for 78,535 farmers from August 31 to November 30.

Last week, the minister said he would try to raise subsidies granted to cattle and sheep breeders by 10% to 12%. He also pointed out that protests staged recently by farmers are not justified.

Romanian farmers protested in Bucharest two weeks ago, calling on authorities to increase subsidies for cattle. They threatened they will stage ampler protests and block streets if their request is disregarded.
