According to a Labor Ministry analysis, over 125,000 state employees and about 665,000 employees in the private sector will benefit from this measure next year.
The base salary may not be lower than the gross minimum wage, which means no employee will receive less than RON700 monthly.
Employers who fail to observe this norm will be fined between RON1,000 and RON2,000.
Prime Minister Emil Boc told unions and employers last week the Government is looking into raising the minimum wage from 670 lei (EUR154) to 700 lei (EUR160), and eliminating the income tax for people who earn RON700 – RON1,000.
Unions urged the Government to raise the minimum wage to RON1,030, but the prime minister said a raise to RON700 is all the state budget can take at the moment. (EUR1=RON4.3415)