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Romanian Development Ministry To Demolish About 100 Illegal Buildings In Tourist Resorts

The Romanian Regional Development Ministry will demolish about 100 illegal buildings in tourist resorts, most of them located on the Black Sea coast, and building owners will cover demolishing costs, ministry spokesman Bogran Oprea told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.
Romanian Development Ministry To Demolish About 100 Illegal Buildings In Tourist Resorts

The ministry will demolish starting January buildings, such as hotels or pubs, that have no construction authorization or those with authorizations issued illegally, without considering urban planning, said Oprea.

He added that many of the buildings targeted are on the Black Sea coast and in the southwestern spa town of Baile Herculane.

The number of buildings to be demolished might increase, as the State Inspectorate for Construction (ISC) continues to check resort building paperwork, Oprea pointed out.

According to Oprea, owners of illegal buildings will be demanded to demolish them, otherwise the ministry will do it and demolishing costs will be covered by building owners. If the latter refuse to pay, they will be summoned to court.