Andrei Cîrchelan

ZF 15 ANI: Sobolewski – Sper ca Bursa şi ZF să evolueze împreună şi să devină şi mai importante pentru economie

Directorul general al BVB, Ludwik Sobolewski, a declarat luni, la deschiderea oficială a şedinţei de tranzacţionare, cu ocazia aniversării a 15 ani de la lansarea Ziarului Finaciar, că speră ca Bursa şi ZF să crească împreună, pe viitor, şi să devină şi mai importante pentru economia locală.

Chiriţoiu: Piaţa de energie, cele mai multe probleme concurenţiale, auto şi telecom cele mai puţine

Economia românească are în continuare câteva sectoare care nu ridică probleme din punct de vedere concurenţial, precum industria auto sau piaţa de telecomunicaţii, dar şi unele cu probleme legate de acest aspect, precum energia, a declarat Bogdan Chiriţoiu, preşedintele Consiliului Concurenţei.

Romanian Competition Council Probes Meal Voucher Market For Collusion Among Top Players

Romanian competition authorities performed inspections at three meal voucher issuers--Edenred, Sodexo Pass and Cheque Dejeuner--following suspicions of agreement between the three.

Romanian President Woos German Investors With “Large Privatization” Outlook

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Thursday said, after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that Romania will start a large privatization process, involving thermal power producers Turceni, Rovinari and Craiova, as well as railroad freight transporter CFR Marfa.

Romania Has Confirmed Its Intention To Join Euro Area By 2015 – Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday said in a joint news conference with Romanian President Traian Basescu that Romania has confirmed its intention to join the euro area in 2015, adding she respects this intention and she knows the efforts required by the people during tough reforms.

Romania Needs Privatization, Private Management To Foil “Wise Guys” – IMF

The government needs to hurry privatizations and the appointment of private management at state-owned companies, to decisively change the system where a privileged few enjoy undeserved profit, says Jeffrey Franks, head of the International Monetary Fund’s delegation to Romania.

Romanian Diesel Fuel Prices Grow Because Demand Is High – OMV Petrom

The increase in diesel fuel prices comes from increased demand for this product, as Romania produces less of this fuel than it consumes, Wednesday said Mariana Gheorghe, chief executive officer of oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO).

Romanian Number Of Insolvencies Nears 14,000 In First 9 Months

A total 13,984 firms went insolvent in Romania within the first nine months of the year, 10% less than in the same interval of the previous year, according to data from the national trade registry ONRC.

Romania To Return VAT Worth A Total RON1.61B In October

Romanian tax authority ANAF on Monday said it will return value added taxes worth a total 1.61 billion lei (EUR373.9 million) in October, including RON363 million in compensations.

Romania To Shut Down Nuke Reactor For Minor Repairs – Sources

One of the two reactors at Romania’s sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda will be shut down Friday, for at most two days, for repairs of an equipment malfunction, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Bitdefender Delays Listing Plans After 2012

Shareholders of IT security solutions provider Bitdefender are still considering listing on the bourse, probably after 2012, when the company will have “consistent value”, Tuesday said Florin Talpes, president of the Softwin group of companies.

Economic Growth Needs Stable Prices – Central Bank Governor

Romanian central bank governor Mugur Isarescu on Monday said that growth cannot be achieved merely by using more money, and economic growth requires stable prices.

Romania May Keep Some Energy Price Regulation Beyond 2015

Romanian energy regulator ANRE may keep applying current pricing regulations for electricity and gas beyond 2015, for certain categories of clients, despite deregulation agreements concluded between the government and the International Monetary Fund.

Nationwide Electrification Would Cost Romania EUR211M

Romania would need to invest some EUR211 million to connect some 60,600 unconnected households to the national power grid, Thursday said Marian Geanta, development manager of state-owned electricity distributor Electrica.

A Change Monetary Policy Likely Later In The Year – Franks

A potential change in the monetary policy is a decision that can be made later this year, not necessarily in Wednesday's board meeting of the central bank, said Jeffrey Franks, the head of the International Monetary Fund’s delegation to Romania.

Romania Will Likely Meet H1 Fiscal Targets, But Capital Spending Still Low – Franks

Romania’s low level of expenditure will most likely allow for the first half fiscal targets to be achieved, but the authorities still need to imporove the EU-related capital spending, said Jeffery Franks, head of the International Monetary Fund’s delegation to Romania.

Concerns About Greece Raised Romania’s Risk Premium In Last Few Days- Franks

Greece woes have resulted in the increase of risk premium for Romania in the last few days, but it will be some time before it can be determined whether the situation is a long-term one and what the impact will be, said Jeffrey Franks, the head of the IMF delegation to Romania.

Romanian Termoelectrica To Lay Off 300 Employees

State-owned thermal power producer Termoelectrica will lay off 300 employees from two branches, under a restructuring plan approved by shareholders on June 16.

Criza datoriilor din zona euro, cel mai mare risc pentru stabilitatea financiară a Marii Britanii

Criza datoriilor din zona euro reprezintă cea mai mare ameninţare pentru stabilitatea financiară a Marii Britanii, iar băncile trebuie să crească transparenţa privind expunerile şi să îşi majoreze rezervele de capital, potrivit Comitetului pentru Politică Financiară.

Romanian Companies To Pay 10% More For Natural Gas Come Jul 1

The price of natural gas paid by Romanian households and thermal power producers will remain unchanged until July 1, 2012, but industrial consumers will pay 10% more starting July 1, 2011, Friday said energy regulator ANRE.

Most Romanians Fear Bankruptcy When They Think Of Starting A Business

Romanians who would like to start a business are mainly discouraged by the fear of bankruptcy, revenue fluctuations and loss of property, according to report published Thursday by the European Commission.

Romania Vies To Fill Investor Gap In Nuclear Reactor Project

Romania’s nuclear reactors 3 and 4 still lack a “clearly established” investor, despite “pretty interesting” talks over the past several months with potential partners, Tuesday said Economy Ministry state secretary Karoly Borbely.

City Mall Bucharest To See Fourth Sale Attempt, At EUR23.58M

Bankrupt shopping center City Mall Bucharest will be put up for sale for the fourth time on June 10, in an auction starting at EUR23.58 million, some 30% less than the initial price of EUR33 million.

Korean Companies Eye Stake In Romanian Nuke Project

A consortium formed of two South Korean companies wants to join the construction of reactors 3 and 4 at nuclear power plant Cernavoda, the Romanian Economy Ministry said in a news release Friday.

Romanian Online Store eMAG Starts Selling Books

Online store eMAG on Friday said it has widened its portfolio to include books, planning to become the top book retailer within the year.

Building A House In Bucharest Suburbs Costs Less Than EUR80,000

Building a 100 sqm house near Bucharest costs between EUR58,000 and EUR80,000, since the economic crisis slashed construction and plot prices, according to a study of Romanian realty website

Most Urban Romanians Remain Wary Of Large Acquisitions – Poll

A recent poll by Romanian research firm ISRA Center Marketing Research shows that only a handful of Romanians in urban areas plan to buy a home or a car within the next 12 months.

Romania Needs Energy Competition, Not Full Privatization – Enel

Romanian authorities need not privatize all energy companies or electricity producers, but the segment needs true competition, Friday said Luca D’Agnese, president of Enel Romania.

Romanian Daewoo Mangalia To Build 4 Ships In $400M Deal

Southeastern Romanian shipyard Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries, or DMHI, will build four container carriers for Israeli group Ofer Global Holdings, under a $400 million contract, the ship owner announced Thursday.

Rompetrol Cuts RON0.12/Liter Off Diesel Prices, Raises Gas Price By RON0.09/Liter

Rompetrol Downstream, the fuel distribution unit of oil group Rompetrol, Tuesday increased pump prices for gasoline by 0.9 lei (EUR0.22) per liter and decreased diesel pump prices by RON0.12 per liter.

Romanian Durable Goods Market Widens 10% In 1Q, To EUR307M – GfK

The Romanian durable consumer goods market widened by 10.7% on the year in the first quarter of 2011, to EUR307 million, according to a GfK Temax survey released Tuesday.

Romanian Land Prices Down 16% In 1Q –

Owners of inner city land for residential project development in Romania continued to decrease prices in the first quarter of the year, by up to 16%, under the pressure still felt from the economic crisis, according to realty ad portal

Romania’s Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR634M In First Quarter

Romania registered a current account deficit of EUR634 million in the first quarter this year, some 2.5 times lower than in the same interval of the previous year, but 14 times higher than EUR44 million in January-February this year, central bank data showed Monday.

Romanian State-Owned Companies To Crack Down On Debtors

The International Monetary Fund asked Romania to toughen up measures taken against clients who owe considerable sums to state-owned companies, using “legal measures” against those with arrears.

Romanian Businessman Dinu Patriciu To Launch Macro Chain Next Week

Romanian businessman Dinu Patriciu on Thursday said he will launch next week the Macro store chain, after rebranding the miniMax Discount chain, which he bought in August 2010.

PwC: Romania’s Construction Market To Gain $22B By 2020

The Romanian construction market is expected to grow by $22 billion over the next 10 years, according to a study published by consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Romania Vows Quick Privatization Or Liquidation For Oltchim – Draft

Romanian chemical company Oltchim (OLT.RO) will be liquidated if the government fails to privatize it by the end of the year, according to the draft letter agreed on May 3 between local authorities and the International Monetary Fund.

Romania’s Top-40 State-Owned Companies To Hire Private Managers

Romania’s largest 30 to 40 state-owned companies will have private management, and the government will employ an internationally acknowledged head hunting firm for executive selection, according to Jeffrey Franks, the head of the IMF delegation to Romania.

Romania Vows Before IMF To Slash Heating Aid, Bills May Soar

Romania's government committed in the latest talks with the International Monetary Fund to eliminate the thermal energy subsidy in the near future, which could increase household heating bills by up to 60% by the end of the year, depending on the mayoralties' capacity to cover the difference.

Requests To Hike Gas Prices Are Justifiable – Romanian Energy Watchdog

Natural gas suppliers operating in Romania are entitled to request the increase of regulated prices and the use of reserves for several industrial consumers, according to a document of the local energy regulator ANRE.