Andrei Cîrchelan

Tourist Arrivals In Romania Rise 14.1% M-M In Feb – INS

The number of tourists entering Romania was 14.1% higher in February compared with the same month a year before, while the number of tourists accommodated was up 16.2% on the year, the National Statistical Institute, or INS, said Monday.

Urme de radioactivitate provenind de la Fukushima, depistate la Moscova

Urme de radioactivitate provenind de la centrala nucleară niponă de la Fukushima au fost depistate la Moscova, dar nu prezintă niciun risc pentru sănătate, anunţă un serviciu specializat.

Hancescu: Este catastrofal ce face Guvernul, plata sumelor câştigate n-ar fi destabilizat economia

Preşedintele Federaţiei Sindicatelor Libere din Învăţământ (FSLI), Simion Hancescu, a declarat, vineri, pentru MEDIAFAX că este catastrofal ce face Guvernul prin anularea plăţii sumelor câştigate în instanţă, subliniind că respectarea deciziilor judecătoreşti nu ar fi destabilizat economia.

Şumudică sancţionat 10 la sută din salariu, Marius Constantin cu 25 la sută

Antrenorul echipei Rapid, Marius Şumudică, a fost sancţionat cu zece la sută din salariu pe anul competiţional curent, iar fotbalistul Marius Constantin cu 25 la sută din salariu, ca urmare a conflictului din Antalya, a anunţat, vineri, preşedintele FC Rapid, Dinu Gheorghe.

Chinese SGCC Seeks Stake In Romanian Transelectrica – Sources

The State Grid Corporation of China, or SGCC, is interested in buying the 15% stake Romania plans to sell in state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO), people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania Imported Gas Price Rises At 2-Yr High In Jan

Romania imported in January natural gas at $399 per thousand cubic meters, the highest price since March 2009, according to data published by energy regulator ANRE.

Romania To Include Cogeneration Aid In Household Light Bills – Sources

Romania’s household energy bills will grow by 4.5% come April 1, following the introduction of a contribution supporting low-emissions energy producers.

Bucharest Ranks 39 In World’s Highest Industrial Rents Chart

Bucharest climbed three positions, to 39, among the 53 most expensive cities in the world with respect for industrial space rents, according to a study published Monday by real estate brokers and consultants Cushman & Wakefield.

Realitatea TV, amendată pentru încălcarea dreptului la imagine al Elenei Udrea

CNA a amendat, marţi, postul Realitatea TV cu 10.000 de lei, pentru încălcarea dreptului la imagine al Elenei Udrea şi pentru lipsa de imparţialitate şi obiectivitate în informarea publicului, în emisiunea "Bursa pariurilor" din 7 martie, în care s-a discutat despre "Axa Udrea-Cocoş-Guineea".

No Bidders For Bankrupt Bucharest Property City Mall

The first auction to sell the bankrupt City Mall in Bucharest failed to draw bids, prompting liquidator Casa de Insolventa Transilvania to set up another auction on April 20.

Romanian Managers See Growth In Industry, Retail, Services In Mar-May

Romanian managers expect relative stability in retail, mild growth in services and solid growth in industry and construction between March and May this year, compared to the previous three months, the country’s statistics institute INS said Monday.

Antonescu despre telegramele Wikileaks: Se face, deocamdată, pe ceea ce a apărut, un tapaj exagerat

Preşedintele PNL, Crin Antonescu, a declarat, luni, comentând telegramele atribuite ambasadei SUA şi care ar fi fost obţinute de Wikileaks, că, deocamdată, pe ceea ce a apărut, se face "un tapaj exagerat" şi că lucrurile prezentate se ştiau.

Aproximativ 150 de cadre didactice din Botoşani şi Suceava pichetează Ministerul Educaţiei

Aproximativ 150 de cadre didactice din Botoşani şi Suceava afiliate la Federaţia Sindicatelor Libere din Învăţământ pichetează, luni, sediul Ministerului Educaţiei, nemulţumite de neplata salariilor pe luna februarie, reprezentanţii acestora fiind invitaţi la discuţii de ministrul Daniel Funeriu.

Google dezvoltă un sistem care va permite efectuarea de plăţi prin intermediul telefonului mobil

Google colaborează cu MasterCard şi Citigroup la dezvoltarea unui sistem care va transforma smartphone-urile în "portofele electronice", astfel ca utilizatorii să-şi poată plăti cumpărăturile prin apropierea telefonului de un senzor amplasat la casele de marcat din magazine, potrivit WSJ.

Antonescu: Unele telegrame ale ambasadei SUA sunt superficiale şi irelevante, compuneri nedocumentate

Liderul PNL, Crin Antonescu, a calificat luni unele telegrame diplomatice despre România care ar fi fost obţinute de WikiLeaks drept superficiale şi irelevante, adevărate "compuneri" nedocumentate.

Raiffeisen Sees Romania’s GDP Up 1.5% In 2011, On Strong Exports

Romania’s economy should gradually mend this year, with a 1.5% growth of the gross domestic product, mainly due to a recovery in external demand that will fuel exports' increase, Raiffeisen said in a report Friday.

OMV Petrom To Shut Down Romanian Arpechim Refinery

The Supervisory Board of Romanian oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO) on Friday said it will permanently shut down the Arpechim refinery, since no “credible” buyers have been found.

Romania May Have “Significant” Untapped Oil Reserves

Romania may be able to find new oil deposits, since local drilling has not yet gone very deep, officials of British oil and gas producer Zeta Petroleum said Thursday.

Romania 2010 Exports Post Fourth Largest Increase In EU

Romania posted last year the fourth largest increase in exports and the ninth greatest increase in imports in the European Union, EU's statistics office Eurostat said Friday.

Romania OKs Six Bids For Petrom Sale Brokerage – Sources

The technical offers filed by six consortiums were accepted Wednesday in the auction for a broker to sell 9.84% in oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO), people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Erste Sees Oil Price Peaking At $150/Barrel

The price of crude oil is not yet fully representative of the Middle East turmoil, so it will keep rising to some $150 per barrel, before falling down in the seond half, according to Erste group analysts.

Bucharest To Maintain Low Office Occupancy Costs In Near Furture – Survey

Bucharest will remain among Europe’s cities with the lowest office space occupancy costs over the next five years, according to real estate consultants DTZ.

Romanian Econ Min: No Reason For Immediate Gas Price Hikes

Romanian household prices for natural gas should not increase in the near future, since they have no reason to do so, the Economy Ministry said in a statement Wednesday.

Unions At Romanian ArcelorMittal Galati To Hold Strike On Mar 10

Four trade unions at Romanian steel processor ArcelorMittal Galati on Friday announced a general strike starting March 10, displeased with the proposed 8% wage hike countering their 18% demand.

Romanian Housing Prices Down 10% In Jan ‘09-Sep ’10

Romanian house and apartment prices dropped some 10% between January 2009 and September 2010, according to data released by the national statistics institute INS.

Analyst Expectations Improve For Romania’s Econ Outlook – ZEW

Financial analysts have improved in February their outlook on Romania’s economic evolution over the next six months, as Romania ranks fourth in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as far as outlook is concerned, according to a ZEW survey.

Romania January Car Sales Up 16% On Year To 4,399 Units

Romanian new passenger car sales rose 16% on the year, to 4,399 units in January, the Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association, or APIA, said Friday.

Three Quarters Of Romanians Avoid Interacting With Banks – Poll

A poll conducted by Romanian surveyor IRES revealed that 76% of Romanians would prefer to stay away from banks, while less than half of bank clients trust the lenders.

Oxford Economics Revises Up Romania’s 2011 GDP Growth To +0.1%

Oxford Economics revised its forecast for Romania’s economic growth in 2011 from a negative 1% to a “marginal” increase of 0.1%, but warned that the main growth catalyst, the exports, is also a vulnerability.

Romanian Proprietatea Fund Could Pay RON0.0156 Dividend

Romanian investment fund Fondul Proprietatea (FP.RO) could pay a gross dividend of 0.0156 lei per share (EUR1=RON4.2584) from last year’s profit, much lower than the one paid a year earlier, according to a memo sent Wednesday to the Bucharest bourse.

Colliers: Romanian Land Prices To Stay Within Ranges

Romanian land prices should not decrease greatly in the near future, and adjustments should fit within negotiation margins, real estate consultancy firm Colliers said Monday.

Romanian Housing Price Should Drop Until 2H 2011 – Evaluators

Romanian housing prices will continue to decrease slightly in the first half of the year and will stabilize in the second half, according to evaluation firm Darian.

Romania To Deregulate Electricity, Natural Gas Markets By 2015

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday Romania’s electricity and gas prices will go up between 2013 and 2015, since the Government will eliminate regulated prices, in compliance with requests by the International Monetary Fund.

Ionuţ Lupescu: Mutu a fost influenţat negativ atunci când a vrut să plece de la Fiorentina

Directorul general al FRF, Ionuţ Lupescu, a declarat, joi, la plecarea către cantonamentul din Cipru al echipei naţionale, că Adrian Mutu are nevoie de linişte pentru a putea evolua la un nivel înalt şi a precizat că acesta a fost influenţat negativ în tentativa de a pleca de la Fiorentina.

Romanian Govt “Firmly” Rejects Immediate Gas Price Deregulation

The Romanian Government “firmly” rejects the liberalization of gas prices at this time, since this is a measure to be implemented gradually, Thursday said Karoly Borbely, secretary of state within the Economy Ministry.

PwC: Romanian New Employments Down 75% YY In ’09

The rate of new employments in Romanian companies dropped by 75% on the year in 2009, because of the economic crisis, while dismissals septupled, according to a survey by consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Romanian PM Calls For Fiscal, Competition Scrutiny On Oil Cos

Fuel resellers cannot blame pump price hikes on the local taxation, Wednesday said Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc, who called for additional inspections by the tax and competition authorities targeting the oil companies.

Romanian Econ Min Rejects Shutdown Option For Valea Jiului Mines

Romanian economy minister Ion Ariton said Monday he would not agree with the shutdown with all Valea Jiului mines, adding he expects management and unions to come up with a long-term development plan.

Romania To Pay Some EUR300M In IMF Loan Interest This Year

Romania will pay the International Monetary Fund interest worth SDR266 million (EUR300 million), for the loan installments transferred this year.

Price Fixing Talks Spark Fiscal Probe At Romanian Oil Cos

Romanian fiscal authorities Wednesday started a series of unannounced inspections targeting the pricing algorithms, taxable profits and accounting methods of oil companies, according to Sorin Blejnar, the president of tax authority ANAF.