Andrei Cîrchelan

Romania Should Watch Over Small, Low-Provisioned Banks – IMF

Romanian authorities should “maintain vigilance” over small banks, which are faced with a rapidly deteriorating loan quality and whose provisions are below the system average, the International Monetary Fund said in an analysis.

Real Estate Investment In CEE Up 90% YY In 2010, To EUR5B

Real estate investment in Central and Eastern Europe reached EUR5 billion last year, up 90% on 2009, with Romania drawing in 7% of the total, according to property consultants CB Richard Ellis.

Overnight Deposits At Romania Ctrl Bk Skyrocket In ’10 To RON387.3B

Overnight deposits at Romania’s central bank reached a combined amount of 387.29 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2580) in 2010, seven times more than in the previous year, which points to an average daily liquidity excess of RON1.06 billion, according to central bank data.

Romania To List State-Owned Cos Stock In 2H, 2011

The listing of 15% stakes in Romanian state-owned companies Transelectrica (TEL.RO), Transgaz (TGN.RO) and Romgaz, is set for the second half of this year, according to an economy ministry document obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Rompetrol Talks State Debt With Romanian Authorities

Rompetrol is holding talks with Romania’s Finance Ministry for a solution to the group’s historic state debt, since Romanian and Kazakh presidents Traian Basescu and Nursultan Nazarbayev agreed the issue would be solved amiably, the oil company said in a statement.

Bucharest Dwelling Prices Deter Clients From Purchase – Coldwell

The price of homes in Bucharest remains high compared to demand expectations, limiting the number of real estate transactions, according to real estate consultancy company Coldwell Banker Affiliates of Romania.

Romanian Hidroelectrica Deputy Replaced Over Politics

The managing board of Romanian hydropower generator Hidroelectrica decided to replace deputy general manager Traian Oprea and keep him on as consultant, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania Sept Adjusted Construction Works Down 15.1% YY

Romania's construction output fell 15.1% in adjusted data in September compared with the same month a year earlier, with decreases in all sectors, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.

Unul din patru cetăţeni moldoveni are sentimente negative faţă de români. Doar 3% ar vrea unirea

Fiecare al patrulea moldovean are sentimente negative faţă de români, iar jumătate din populaţia Republicii Moldova crede că în ţară există "prea multă democraţie", potrivit unui sondaj CBS-AXA, citat de postul Deutsche Welle în pagina online.

Camera: Toţi deputaţii au depus declaraţii de avere şi interese până la 3 noiembrie

Secretariatul general al Camerei Deputaţilor precizează că toţi deputaţii au depus declaraţiile de avere şi interese până la data de 3 noiembrie a.c, iar termenele de trimitere a copiilor certificate către ANI şi cele de postare pe site-ul instituţiei vor fi respectate conform legii.

Romanians To See Improved Living Standards In ’12 – Ctrl Bk Gov

Romanians will notice an improvement in their living standards in 2012, even thought the economy could start recovering in 2011, said Friday central bank governor Mugur Isarescu.

Băsescu: Antonescu şi PSD execută strategia Voiculescu-Vântu. Geoană a fost înlocuit cu Antonescu

Preşedintele Traian Băsescu a declarat, joi, la B1 TV că şi Crin Antonescu şi PSD execută "strategia Voiculescu-Vântu" de creare a dezordinii în ţară, adăugând, în acest context, că Victor Ponta este supărat că Mircea Geoană a fost înlocuit cu Crin Antonescu.

Romanian Top-100 Cos Post Overall Sales Of EUR46.27B In ‘09

The top-100 companies with respect for turnover posted overall sales of EUR46.27 billion last year, 20% less than in 2008, while the overall pretax profit decreased by 45%, to EUR1.48 billion, according to a report compiled by FinMedia.

Gigi Becali: N-am să-i dau lui Dorinel Munteanu nici cinci bani

Finanţatorul stelist Gigi Becali a declarat, joi, într-o emisiune televizată, că nu are nicio datorie faţă de fostul jucător şi antrenor al echipei sale, Dorinel Munteanu, şi că va demonstra acest lucru în apelul pe care îl va înainta la hotărârea Tribunalului Bucureşti în acest caz.

Romania Ranks 44 In World Economic Forum’s Financial Development Chart

Romania has ranked 44 after being included this year, for the first time, in a World Economic Forum chart of the 57 most developed financial markets worldwide.

E.ON Gaz Romania, E.ON Moldova Furnizare To Merge

Gas distributor E.ON Gaz Romania and electricity supplier E.ON Moldova Furnizare, subsidiaries of German utilities group E.ON, will merge with a view of delivering integrated energy supplying services.

Bucharest Flat Prices Fell 12% In 10 Months – Survey

Asking prices for flats in Bucharest dropped by an average 11.8% in the first ten months of the year, to some EUR1,315 per square meter, according to data provided by real estate website

Romanian PM Pledges To Sell Or Reorganize State-Owned Cos

The Romanian Government will continue the privatization or restructuring of state-owned companies, but will keep majority stakes in strong firms such as gas transporter Transgaz (TGN.RO), Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday after negotiations with the International Monetary Fund.

IMF Requests Sale Or Liquidation Of Monitored Romanian Cos

Romanian state-owned companies monitored by the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission widened losses in the last months, prompting the financial institutions to recommend their privatization or liquidation, Monday said Jeffrey Franks, chief of the IMF delegation to Romania.

Romanian Hidroelectrica To Invest EUR18M In Wind Turbines

Romanian hydropower generator Hidroelectrica could invest some EUR18 million in the next years to set up wind turbines on its hydropower plants along the river Siret, company operational director Dragos Zachia said Thursday.

Romanian Transelectrica Has Tough Time Getting Funds – Director

Romanian state-owned power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO) is having a tough time securing financing, thus it can only cover a minimum level of investment, company official Dan Preotescu said Thursday.

Romania Industry Seen Up In Q4, Constr, Retail To Fall

Romanian managers said they expect a slight growth in industry, a relative stability in the services sector, and decreases in the retail and construction sectors, according to the business outlook for October-December released by the National Statistics Institute.

Romania Govt Receives Interest In Oltchim – State Secretary

Two investment funds, including a U.S.-based one, are interested in buying stakes of Romania chemical company Oltchim Ramnicu-Valcea (OLT.RO), should it be privatized, Monday said Karoly Borbely, state secretary within the local Economy Ministry.

Nabucco Consortium To Lobby EU For Additional Funding

The Nabucco consortium will lobby the European Union for additional financing, aside from the EUR200 million already allotted by the EU, consortium spokesman Christian Dolezal told a news conference in Bucharest Monday.

Romanian Economy Ministry-Owned Cos Met Budget Targets – IMF

The three companies controlled by the Romanian Economy Ministry under monitoring by the International Monetary Fund have met the personnel spending targets established, said Thursday Mihai Tanasescu, Romania's representative to the IMF.

Romania, IMF Discuss Oltchim Privatization

Romanian authorities and representatives of the International Monetary Fund discussed Thursday about the privatization of Oltchim (OLT.RO) and Cuprumin, as well as stake sales in other state-owned energy companies, the Economy Ministry said in a statement.

Romanian Gas Prices Should Not Go Up This Winter – Econ Min

Romanian Economy Minister Ion Ariton told a press conference Tuesday that, in his opinion, natural gas prices should not grow this winter, on any consumer segment.

Romanian State-Owned Railroad Cos Owed RON5.6B In Aug

The state budget debts owed by the three Romanian state-owned railroad companies, CFR SA, CFR Marfa and CFR Calatori, cumulated 5.6 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2765) at the end of August, while the overall loss reached RON721 million, according to local Transport Ministry data.

Bucharest Historic Center Rents Rise, Defying Trend – CBRE Romania

Bucharest’s historic center is the only area in the city where retail rents have grown since 2008, following ongoing rehabilitation and upgrade works, according to real estate consultancy firm CB Richard Ellis Romania, or CBRE.

„Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier” rulează cu casa închisă la Festivalul de la Varşovia

Lungmetrajul "Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier", în regia lui Florin Şerban, inclus în secţiunea Competiţie 1-2 a Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Varşovia (8 - 17 octombrie), rulează cu casa închisă, cele trei proiecţii programate ale peliculei fiind sold out încă de duminică.

China a ieşit la vânătoare de active în SUA. Companiile americane duc lipsă de lichidităţi

Compania chineză CNOOC va cumpăra cu 1,1 miliarde de dolari o participaţie de 33% la un câmp petrolier din SUA, după ce în 2005 autorităţile americane i-au blocat eforturile de a achiziţiona un producător local de petrol.

Persoanele rănite în urma acidentului de muncă de la Petromidia sunt în stare bună

Doi din cei trei muncitori de la Rafinăria Petromidia care au fost răniţi, duminică seară, după ce o conductă sub presiune s-a fisurat în timpul unor probe au rămas internaţi la Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă Constanţa, dar starea lor de sănătate este bună, potrivit medicilor.

Romania Jan-Aug Trade Gap Widens To EUR6.1B

Romania’s trade deficit widened to EUR6.09 billion in January to August, from EUR5.97 billion in the same period a year earlier, the National Statistics Institute said Monday.

PSD anunţă că nu participă la consultările de la Cotroceni simultan cu UNPR

PSD a anunţat, luni dimineaţă, că nu va participa la consultările de la Cotroceni simultan cu UNPR, solicitând şefului statului fie să contramandeze invitaţia adresată Uniunii, fie să reprogrameze discuţiile cu opoziţia.

Romania September CPI +0.56% On Month, +7.77% On Year

Romanian consumer prices rose 0.56% on the month in September, largely driven by higher food and service prices, while the annual inflation accelerated to a fresh two-year high at 7.77%, the country’s statistics institute INS said Monday.

Deficitul comercial a crescut cu 1,9% în primele opt luni

Deficitul comercial a crescut în primele opt luni cu 1,9% faţă de perioada similară a anului trecut, la 6,09 miliarde de euro, deşi exporturile au crescut într-un ritm uşor mai rapid decât importurile, potrivit datelor Institutului Naţional de Statistică (INS).

Preţurile de consum au urcat cu 0,56% în septembrie

Preţurile de consum au crescut în septembrie cu 0,56% faţă de august, iar inflaţia anuală a urcat de la 7,58% la 7,77%, un nou maxim al ultimilor doi ani, în condiţiile scumpirii semnificative a pâinii, legumelor, uleiului, ouălor, transportului prin CFR şi combustibililor, potrivit INS.

Romanian Fiscal Auth To Refund VAT Worth RON934.19M In Oct

Romanian fiscal authority ANAF will refund VAT worth 934.19 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2798) in October, in three installments, the institution announced Wednesday.

Bloggerii sunt invitaţi la Congresul PSD, unde vor avea amenajată o lojă

Bloggerii sunt invitaţi să asiste la Congresul extraordinar al PSD, din 16 octombrie, unde vor avea amenajată o lojă, potrivit unui anunţ postat de către preşedintele Consiliului Naţional al partidului, Adrian Năstase, pe blogul său.

Ploile accelerează răspândirea noroiului roşu deversat în Ungaria, favorizând poluarea Dunării – VIDEO

Ploile abundente favorizează răspândirea "rapidă şi pe suprafeţe mari" a noroiului roşu deversat în vestul Ungariei, a declarat directorul programului privind Dunărea al World Wildlife Fund, adăugând că acesta va ajunge "aproape inevitabil" în Dunăre, relatează Wall Street Journal.