Departamentul Externe

Record of patients in intensive care. The new cases exceed 3.000 again and there are 68 new deaths

By Tuesday, October 13, in Romania, 160.461 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) were confirmed. 120.515 patients were declared cured. Following the tests performed at national level, compared to the last report, 3.109 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) were registered, these being cases that had not previously had a […]

Another record of infections: 3.186 cases of COVID-19 in Romania in 24 hours

On Friday, a new record of SARS-CoV-2 infections was registered in Romania, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announcing 3.186 new cases and 52 deaths. In eight counties, the coefficient of infections accumulated at 14 days exceeded the threshold of 1,5 per thousand inhabitants.

Coronavirus: Romania: First day with over 3.000 new cases of COVID-19: 3.130 patients in 24 hours

As of Thursday, 145.700 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Romania. A total of 113.112 patients were declared cured. In the last 24 hours, 3.130 new cases of people infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID – 19) were registered. As of Thursday, 5.247 people diagnosed with […]

Romania: 1.591 new cases of COVID-19 and 45 deaths, in 24 hours.There are 592 patients in the intensive care units

The authorities have announced on Monday that 1.591 new cases of COVID-19 and 45 deaths have been registered in the last 24 hours in Romania. There are 592 patients in the intensive care units.

Romania: 1.629 new cases of COVID-19 and 42 deaths

1.629 cases of COVID-19 and 42 deaths have been registered in Romania in the last 24 hours, according to the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).

Coronavirus in Romania: 1.639 cases and 41 deaths in the last 24 hours

According to the Strategic Communication Group, 118.054 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) were confirmed in Romania until Thursday. Of these, 94.877 patients were declared cured. Following the tests at national level, 1.639 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) were registered in the last 24 hours. Apart from the newly […]

Romania: 1.059 new cases of people infected coronavirus and 45 deaths

On Tuesday, 1.059 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and 45 deaths were registered, and 496 people are hospitalized in intensive care units.

Romania: 808 new cases of people infected with coronavirus, 23 deaths in the last 24 hours

Following the tests performed at national level, compared to the last report, 808 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) were registered, these being cases that had not previously had a test positive. There have been 23 deaths in the last 24 hours.

19 ani de la atacurile teroriste din 11 septembrie. Un judecător federal cere mărturia unor oficiali saudiţi la proces

În ajunul comemorării atacurilor din 11 septembrie din SUA, un judecător federal a solicitat guvernării saudite să pună la dispoziţie, pentru depoziţii, până la 24 de actuali şi foşti oficiali pentru a fi audiaţi în legătură cu posibilele lor cunoştinţe despre evenimentele care au condus la atacurile din 11 septembrie 2001, care au ucis aproape […]

Record of new infected people in Romania: 1.504 and 38 deaths

Romania has exceeded the threshold of 1.500 new cases of infected people and has registered, in the last 24 hours, another 38 deaths.

Romania: 779 new cases of COVID-19 reported. 29 people have died in the last 24 hours

A total of 779 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours, and 29 people have died in the same period due to the disease, the Strategic Communication Group has announced on Monday.

Romania: 1.356 new cases of people infected with COVID and 35 deaths in the last 24 hours

The Strategic Communication Group has announced that in the last 24 hours, 1.356 new cases of COVID-19 have been registered in Romania and 35 deaths in patients confirmed positive.

Romania: 1.030 new cases of COVID-19 and 27 deaths in the last 24 hours

A number of 1.030 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the last 24 hours in Romania, and 27 people have died due to the disease, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announces.

Coronavirus in Romania: 320 new cases and 22 deaths in the last 24 hours

In Romania, in the last 24 hours, a number of 320 new cases of coronavirus and 22 deaths were reported. The current number, since the beginning of the pandemic, is 23.080 diagnosed cases, of which 16.308 are cured.

The number of Romanians confirmed with the COVID-19 increases: 345 cases and 14 deaths in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, a number of 345 Romanians have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus and 14 deaths have been registered. In total, there are 22.760 cases on Wednesday, of which 16.117 are people declared cured.

PMP proposes to the Parliament to condemn the disinformation campaigns from Russia

PMP leader Eugen Tomac has said on Tuesday that the disinformation "orchestrated by the Russian Federation in Romania has reached unacceptable levels" and proposes to the Parliament to adopt a Declaration condemning disinformation campaigns coming from this country.

Romania: 250 new cases and 10 deaths due to coronavirus, in the last 24 hours

In Romania, in the last 24 hours, 250 new cases and 10 deaths due to coronavirus have been registered. There are currently 22.415 cases and 1.437 deaths, according to the report sent on Tuesday by the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).

CCR: The law on the extension of local elected officials’ terms, unconstitutional

The law on the extension of local elected officials terms' is unconstitutional, the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) has decided on Wednesday, because it "enshrines an illegal legal parallelism".

VIDEO. NYT: 8 minute şi 46 de secunde: Cum a fost omorât George Floyd în custodia poliţiei

Cotidianul The New York Times a realizat o reconstituire a morţii lui George Floyd, pe baza imaginilor surprinse în timp ce era imobilizat brutal de agenţi de poliţie în oraşul american Minneapolis.

Coronavirus in Romania: 191 new cases in the last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, 191 new cases of disease have been registered in Romania, which brings the total number of Romanians infected with the new coronavirus to 18.982 cases.

Iohannis:If we wear masks and keep the distance,many restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible

The president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, has said on Wednesday, in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, that if Romanians wear masks, keep their distance and respect hygiene, it will be “possible to lift as many restrictions as possible".

Seven people injured after two trams collided in Bucharest

According to the Capital's Police, the accident took place at the intersection of Olteniţa and Giurgiu roads. Two trams on lines 7 and 11 were involved in the accident.

Romania: 146 new cases of coronavirus in Romania in the last 24 hours, totalling 18.429 cases

In the last 24 hours, 146 new coronavirus cases have been registered in Romania, bringing the number of infections to 18.429 cases. Of these, 1.210 Romanians lost the fight against the virus.

Almost 200 new cases of infections with the new coronavirus in Romania

  Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, another 198 new cases of infections have been registered. At the moment, 203 patients are hospitalized in intensive care units. On the Romanian territory, there are 9.800 people in institutionalized quarantine. Another 39.614 people are in solitary confinement at home and are under medical […]

Iohannis:There will not be days without rules.I will not hesitate to reissue the state of emergency

President Klaus Iohannis has said on Thursday that there will be not be three days without rules and restrictions, from the time of the state of emergency, respectively Friday, until the entry into force of the Law on the state of alert, starting Monday.

New rules for traveling abroad. Quarantine is no longer mandatory

Romanians coming from abroad will no longer be forced into quarantine or isolation, according to the draft law on the state of alert. Those returning to the country will have to present a medical certificate attesting that they do not have COVID-19.

Romania: 15.778 cases of COVID-19, of which 190 registered in the last 24 hours

In Romania there have been until Tuesday 15.778 cases of COVID-19, 190 more than the last report. 991 Romanians died and 7.685 were cured, announces the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).

Coronavirus in Romania: 226 new cases in the last 24 hours, totalling 15.588 cases

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) has announced on Monday that in Romania there are 15.588 people confirmed with the new coronavirus, with 226 news cases detected in the last 24 hours. Almost half of those confirmed are cured and discharged.

The Ombudsman’s notification on the „state of alert”, judged on 13 May by Constitutional Court

The Constitutional Court will analyze on 13 May the Ombudsman's notification regarding the "state of alert". The People's Advocate says that the phrase is not clearly defined, and the temporary restriction of certain rights can acquire the character of a permanent restriction.

14.811 Romanians confirmed with the new COVID-19, of which 6.423 cured and 898 dead

In Romania, up to Friday, 14.811 people with the new coronavirus are confirmed, 312 more than on Thursday. A number of 6.423 Romanians were cured, and another 898 died due to the virus, according to the report of the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).

Coronavirus in Romania: 14.499 cases, of which 6.144 people cured and 876 died

In Romania, 14.499 cases of coronavirus are confirmed until Thursday. A number of 6.144 Romanians were cured and another 876 died due to the virus, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced. In the last 24 hours, 392 new cases of illness have been registered.

GCS: 325 new cases of COVID-19 in Romania. There are 827 deaths and 5.454 healed

The Strategic Communication Group has announced that, in the last 24 hours, 325 new cases of COVID-19 have been registered in Romania. The total number of infected people reaches 13.837, of which over 3.000 are in Suceava. There have been 827 deaths and 5.454 cured in the country.

ECHR: Romania violated human rights in the case of Laura Kovesi’s revoking from DNA

Judges of the European Court of Human Rights have concluded that the dismissal of Laura Codruţa Kovesi from the leadership of DNA was abusive. The magistrates concluded that the former head of DNA had no way to challenge the decision.

Marcel Vela: No emergency decrees will be issued during the state of alert

Romania's Interior minister Marcel Vela has said on Monday that, during the state of alert, no emergency ordinances will be issued, specifying that all sanctioning decisions are decided by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations once the alert has been set.

Iohannis: The state of emergency will not be prolonged. From May 15, alert state

President Klaus Iohannis has said on Monday that the state of emergency will not be extended, adding that, from May 15 Romania will introduce the state of alert to "keep the epidemic under control".

Marcel Ciolacu about Klaus Iohannis: It shows how low you can get in politics

The statement of president Klaus Iohannis "shows how low you can get into politics", deems Marcel Ciolacu, leader of he Social-Democratic Party (PSD). "It is an exit that totally disqualifies the presidential position!", writes Ciolacu on Facebook.

Iohannis, on the autonomy of the Szekler Land: It is incredible what is happening in Parliament

President Klaus Iohannis has launched a harsh attack on PSD, accusing the social-democrats of "willing to give Transylvania to the Hungarians": "It's incredible where this PSD has ended up, what agreements are being made in the Romanian Parliament".

Coronavirus in Romania: Almost 12.000 cases, of which 3.576 Romanians cured and 675 dead

In Romania, since the beginning of the pandemic, almost 12.000 people have been infected, of which 3.576 have been cured and discharged, and 675 have lost their lives, according to Wednesday's report of the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).

Another four Romanians died of coronavirus. The toll reaches 650 deaths

Four more Romanians infected with coronavirus - two women and two men - have died, as the toll reaches 650 deaths in Romania.

Italienii îşi vor putea vizita rudele apropiate şi alţi membri ai „familiei extinse”, de luni

Guvernul Italiei a luat decizia de a permite, după 4 mai, vizitele la membri ai familiei extinse şi alte deplasări, informează publicaţia La Stampa. „Persoanele apropiate sunt cele cu care se întreţin relaţii afective stabile, deci sunt incluşi membrii cuplurilor”, a explicat ministrul italian al Infrastructurii şi Transporturilor, Paola De Micheli. „Însă aceste întâlniri necesită […]