Articolele autorului Departamentul Externe
Şerban Nicolae, proposed by the Social-Democratic Party for the Senate chairman position
Şerban Nicolae is the Social-Democratic Party's choice for the Senate leadership, sources from the party have said for the Mediafax. Nicolae qualified for this candidacy after the PSD senators nominated him, to the detriment of Radu Oprea. citeşte tot
- O regiune din Italia a depăşit pragul de 200 de persoane infectate cu coronavirus. Un alt oraş a anunţat primul caz de îmbolnăvire
The Italian citizen suspected of coronavirus hospitalized in Sibiu has a favorable evolution
The 30-year-old Italian citizen, who had arrived in Sibiu with an airline from Vienna and is hospitalized with fever, is in a stable condition, with a favorable evolution, the doctors of the Emergency Hospital Sibiu reported on Tuesday. citeşte tot
Iohannis: The Defence Ministry's efforts should focus on strengthening NATO's strategic profile
The Defence Ministry will have to focus its efforts, in 2020, on strengthening Romania's strategic profile within NATO and the EU and speeding up the process of developing the army's operational capacity, president Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday. citeşte tot
- Mii de persoane, izolate în Tenerife. Un medic italian a fost depistat pozitiv cu COVID-19
- Primul caz de coronavirus confirmat în sudul Italiei. Turista şi grupul din care face parte au intrat în carantină
Explozie de preţuri: Dezinfectanţii şi măştile sanitare se vând pentru sume uluitoare
Parchetul din Milano face o anchetă după ce preţurile la dezinfectanţi şi măşti au explodat online, în condiţiile în care în magazine şi farmacii aceste produse nu se mai găsesc. citeşte tot
Şcolile din Hong Kong rămân închise. Când s-ar putea întoarce elevii la cursuri, în cel mai bun scenariu posibil
Şcolile din Hong Kong rămân închise până cel puţin pe 20 aprilie, din cauza coronavirusului. citeşte tot
Proteste violente în capitala Indiei: Bilanţul morţilor a ajuns la 7 şi cel puţin 150 de persoane au fost rănite. FOTO
Cel puţin 7 persoane au fost ucise şi aproximativ 150 au fost rănite în confruntările din capitala indiană în timpul protestelor faţă de o nouă lege a cetăţeniei, scrie Reuters. citeşte tot
- Trump cere Congresului 2,5 miliarde de dolari pentru lupta împotriva coronavirusului. Suma care va fi alocată dezvoltării unui vaccin
- Bilanţul morţilor cauzate de coronavirus în Italia a ajuns la 5. Victima se afla în regiunea Lombardia
Gabriela Firea: The two Romanians who returned from China, isolated 14 days, are healthy
Gabriela Firea, Bucharest's mayor, has announced on Monday, on Facebook, that the two Romanians returning from China, who were isolated 14 days in a building provided by the Capital City Hall, are healthy. citeşte tot
Marcel Ciolacu, about the PSD congress: In principle, it remains on February 29
PSD's acting head Marcel Ciolacu has said on Monday that, in principle, the congress of the Social Democratic Party will be held on February 29, in case the situation in Romania will not worsen, due to coronavirus. citeşte tot
Children from Alba who went at the Venice Carnival, quarantined at home for 14 days
The pupils and teachers from the "Regina Maria" High School of Arts in Alba Iulia, returning home from Venice on Sunday night, have been placed in quarantine at home. Their health will be checked periodically by teams of doctors. citeşte tot
- Iranul a confirmat 14 noi cazuri de infectare cu virusul COVID-19. Bilanţul morţilor, în creştere / Turcia şi Pakistan au anunţat închiderea graniţelor cu Iran
- Epidemia de coronavirus: Italia anunţă al doilea deces / Românii din Codogno au intrat în carantină pentru două săptămâni. Şcoli şi restaurante închise / MAE: Niciun român din Italia nu e infectat
Siegfried Mureşan: EC will provide 750 million euros to Romania for Jiu Valley and Oltenia region
Romania is to receive 750 million euros from the European Commission to finance projects to ensure the transfer to a green economy in areas such as Oltenia or Jiu Valley, EU Parliament member Siegfried Mureşan has said on Friday. citeşte tot
- Atenţionare MAE: Grevă naţională a operatorilor aerieni în Italia
Six Romanians from Diamond Princess ship arrive in the country on Saturday with a military plane
Six Romanians aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, who have expressed their wish to return to the country, will arrive on Friday night in Berlin, from where they will be taken by a Ministry of Defence's aircraft and brought to Bucharest. citeşte tot
Iohannis, on the EU budget negotiations: The result is disappointing. There has been no progress
President Klaus Iohannis has said in Brussels, on Friday, that the result is disappointing in the negotiations of the EU budget, indicating that no progress has been made. The head of state added in this regard that "at least one more summit" will be needed. citeşte tot
Klaus Iohannis, challenged by magistrates after signing decrees appointing chief prosecutors
The Association "Iniţiaivă pentru Justiţie" ("Initiative for Justice") has announced will challenge president Klaus Iohannis' decision appointing chief prosecutors, stating that the CVM recommendations about appointments to the General Prosecutor's Office, DIICOT and DNA were not respected. citeşte tot
Iohannis sends condolences to the family of the Romanian person who died in the Hanau attack
President Klaus Iohannis has sent condolences to the family of the young Romanian man who lost his life following the violent attack in Hanau, Germany. citeşte tot
- Viaţa bate filmul „La vita e bella”. Un tată din Siria îşi păcăleşte fetiţa să râdă atunci când cad bombe | VIDEO
Iohannis, about the EU budget: My ambition is to get enough money for cohesion, agriculture
President Klaus Iohannis has said in Brussels, before the European Council meeting debating the EU budget for the next seven years, that his ambition is for Romania to receive sufficient money for cohesion, agriculture and to have a larger budget than the previous one. citeşte tot
A 2,9 magnitude quake of has occurred in Vrancea area
A 2,9 magnitude quake on the Richter scale has occurred on Thursday, at 11.03, in Vrancea area, at a depth of 125 kilometers. citeşte tot