Articolele autorului Departamentul Externe
GCS: 17 new cases of coronavirus. The number reaches 277, including 25 people cured
There are 17 new coronavirus cases, in Bucharest, Suceava, Cluj, Bistriţa Năsăud, Covasna, Iaşi, Dolj, Ilfov and Constanţa. The total reaches 277, out of which 25 people were cured. citeşte tot
Klaus Iohannis to the diaspora: We have to tell them sadly, but also sincerely, not to come home
President Klaus Iohannis has told "with sadness" to the Romanians abroad not to come home this year for holidays: "Romanians abroad are dear to us. We want to see them, we would like to be together, but this year, for these holidays, it is impossible". citeşte tot
MAE facilitated the repatriation of 189 Romanian citizens from Malta, Egypt and Spain
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) states that on Wednesday it was facilitated the repatriation of 100 Romanian citizens (74 from Malta and 26 from Egypt) who returned safely to the country and this morning other 89 Romanians returned from Spain. citeşte tot
- Posibile tratamente pentru coronavirus. China începe testarea unui vaccin pe oameni, iar Franţa a anunţat că un medicament pentru malarie a neutralizat Covid-19
Victor Negrescu: Romania needs to establish a team to deal with EU funds
Victor Negrescu has announced that on Wednesday takes place the first European-level discussion on the funds to be allocated by the EU. Romania receives 491 million euros and can subsequently benefit from 2,5 billion euros. He stated that our country must establish a team to deal with the issue. citeşte tot
Nou studiu despre coronavirus. Pe ce suprafaţă rezistă cel mai mult
Un studiu realizat pentru Guvernul SUA demonstrează că noul coronavirus rezistă cel mai mult pe plastic şi oţel, potrivit NBC. Coronavirusul rezistă cel mai puţin pe carton, 24 de ore. În aer, virusul poate rezista până la trei ore. citeşte tot
Epidemiological investigation at Tarom after a pilot was diagnosed with the new virus
The pilot from Tarom diagnosed with the new coronavirus has had contacts with nine other pilots and some of them had contact with 22 colleagues and 19 family members, the Strategic Communication Group announces. An epidemiological investigation is underway at the airline. citeşte tot
Romania: 29 new coronavirus cases. The number reaches 246
The Strategic Communication Group has announced, on Wednesday morning, 29 new cases of coronavirus in Romania compared to the last report, currently being 246 people confirmed with the new virus. citeşte tot
Klaus Iohannis, in video conference with ministers: We want to limit the medical tourism
President Klaus Iohannis has discussed, during a videoconference, with the ministers responsible for managing the crisis with COVID-19 and told them this morning that he had spoken with Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission's president, about the measures that must be coordinated in the EU. citeşte tot
Romania: 184 people confirmed with the new coronavirus
The number of people confirmed with the new coronavirus has increased to 184, 16 more than the last reporting, according to the Strategic Communication Group (GCS). citeşte tot
COVID-19 official news online platform has been launched
The Government of Romania, through the Romanian Digitization Authority, announces that, along with an NGO, has launched the COVID-19 Official News online platform (, where news and conferences will be published online regarding the coronavirus epidemic. citeşte tot
PSD proposes to the Orban Cabinet a set of measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Interim Social-Democratic Party (PSD) head Marcel Ciolacu has said he expects Ludovic Orban Government to take action after Saturday's installing and proposes a set of measures. citeşte tot
Romania: 19 new cases of coronavirus. The official number reaches 158 people diagnosed
There are 158 coronavirus cases in Romania, the representatives of the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Monday morning. Among these, 19 cases are new. citeşte tot
Bădulescu: 380 people are in quarantine in Bucharest; 210 seats are still available
Aurelian Bădulescu, Capital city's deputy mayor, has said on Monday that in Bucharest there are 210 places available for quarantined persons and other 380 places are occupied. He says that the City Hall has 200 places permanently. citeşte tot
O tulpină a virusului care provoacă gripa aviară a fost descoperită în FiIlipine, iar 25.000 de prepeliţe au fost ucise
O tulpină (H5N6) a virusului care provoacă gripa aviară a fost descoperită într-o localitate din Filipine, a anunţat Departamentul Agriculturii din statul asiatic, citat de GMA News. citeşte tot
Imagini impresisonante cu italienii care aplaudă de la balcoane echipajele medicilor | VIDEO
Imagini impresionante vin din Italia, acolo unde mii de oameni sunt carantinaţi sau izolaţi din cauza coronavirusului. Pentru a-şi arăta respectul faţă de medicii care asigură permanenţa în spitalele depăşite de situaţie, oamenii au ieşit azi, în mai multe oraşe, la balcoane şi au aplaudat. citeşte tot
MAE anunţă ce măsuri au luat unele ţări europene în contextul epidemiei de coronavirus
Ministerul român al Afacerilor Externe (MAE) a anunţat vineri seară, într-un comunicat remis MEDIAFAX, măsurile adoptate de statele europene în contextul demersurilor de gestionare şi prevenire a răspândirii infecţiei cu COVID-19. citeşte tot
Romanian man returned from Italy, found positive with coronavirus. It is the 80th case in Romania
A 26-year-old man from Prahova county was diagnosed on Friday with the COVID-19 infection, after having recently returned from Italy. The young man was quarantined in Buşteni and is the 80th patient confirmed with this disease, announces the Strategic Communication Group (GCS). citeşte tot
Ludovic Orban will be isolated at home after contacts with Chiţac: I will isolate myself at Vila Lac
Acting Romanian prime minister Ludovic Orban has announced on Friday that, after lawmaker Virgil Chiţac has been confirmed with coronavirus, he and all members of the National Political Board will be isolated at home. citeşte tot
Orban announces that he will not attend the consultations: It would mean exposing the president
Acting Romanian prime minister Ludovic Orban has announced that he is no longer attending the consultations at the Cotroceni Palace, which are to take place today, after he decided to self-isolate, following the confirmation of a liberal senator as ill with COVID-19. citeşte tot
A 33-year-old woman from Cluj is the 52nd patient confirmed with COVID-19 in Romania
A 33-year-old woman who works in Trentino, Italy, and returned to the country on March 10 has been confirmed positive for the new coronavirus. She is admitted to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases Cluj-Napoca, representatives of the Strategic Communication Group have announced. citeşte tot
Klaus Iohannis convenes consultations with political parties to designate a new prime minister
President Klaus Iohannis has announced on Thursday evening, after Florin Cîţu gave up his mandate, that he has decided to consult with the parliamentary parties starting on Friday at 13.00. citeşte tot
- Bilanţul epidemiei de coronavirus. Situaţia pare să se stabilizeze în China, dar ia amploare în alte părţi ale lumii
- Chelsea Manning, spitalizată în urma unei tentative de sinucidere. Rolul fostului analist de Informaţii din SUA în scandalul WikiLeaks
- Trump suspendă toate călătoriile din ţările europene în SUA. Un singur stat va face excepţie | VIDEO