Radu Bostan

Romanian Unions, Employers Refuse To Meet With PM Regarding Protests

Romania's major trade union confederations and most employers' organizations have announced they will not meet with Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday in the National Social Dialog Council, which will convene in the wake of four days of protests in Bucharest and many other cities.

Romanian Healthcare, Education Unions Announce Protests In Iasi

Education and healthcare system unionists in the Romanian city of Iasi are planning to hold a rally on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Romanian PM: Ruling Coalition To Discuss New Healthcare Bill On Monday

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said the ruling coalition on Monday will discuss developing a new bill on healthcare reform, which will not shut down or privatize the emergency services.

Romanian Health Ministry Resignation Sparks Antigovernment Protests

Romania was the scene of anti-government protests Saturday evening, with as many as 2,000 people occupying Bucharest's University Square, while smaller rallies of no more than a hundred people took place in Sibiu, Suceava, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and other cities.

Romanian President Calls For Healthcare Bill To Be Withdrawn

Romanian President Traian Basescu has called on the prime minister to withdraw the new healthcare bill, having seen that a large part of the public and of the healthcare system do not want it to change.

Romanian Authorities To Process Refund Requests For EU Farming Aid Within 45 Days

Reimbursement requests for EU farming aid will be processed within 45 days, the same as in the case of structural and cohesion funds, Romania's Government announced.

Vacancies In Romanian Healthcare Might Be Filled, Staying Within Approved Expense Limits

Hiring in the Romanian healthcare system may be unfrozen, where this does not exceed budgeted personnel expenses, says a draft decision put up for public debate on the Health Ministry's website.

Romanian Justice Minister To Discuss CVM With EU Officials In Brussels Next Week

Romanian Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu will meet Monday, in Brussels, with European officials to discuss the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), stressing that he will reject the use of the CVM as a pretext to affect Romania's interests in cases like Schengen Area accession.

Romanian President Asks Parliament To Reject Law Banning Natural Gas Exports

Romanian President Traian Basescu has asked the Parliament to reject a bill amending the gas law, whereby domestic production of natural gas is used on the internal market exclusively, until import sources are diversified.

EU Members With Low Foreign Debt May Exceed Structural Deficit Limit

Romania's Minister of European Affairs, Leonard Orban, said Tuesday that a suggestion was made in the negotiations on the future inter-government treaty, whereby states with foreign debt below the limit imposed by the EU could be allowed to run a higher structural deficit.

Romanian PM Calls For More Controls To Prevent Tax Evasion

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc has asked the ministers of Finance and of the Interior to take action against tax evasion, focusing on "high evasion," as well as step up controls using teams made up of representatives of every relevant institution.

Romania’s New Criminal Code To Take Effect In March-June 2013

Romania's new Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code will be implemented in March-June 2013, Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu announced Thursday.

Constanta Casino Restoration To Take Two Years, Cost EUR9M

The restoration of the Constanta Casino will take 24 months and cost 39.2 million lei (EUR9 million), according to the project's technical indicators, approved Wednesday by Romania's Government.

Italy To Lift Labor Market Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians In 2012

Italy has decided to lift all labor market restrictions for Romanians and Bulgarians on December 31, 2011, the Romanian Labor Ministry said Thursday.

Romanian Traffic Police To Record Conversations With Pulled-Over Drivers

The conversations of Romanian police and drivers stopped for traffic violations will be recorded and used as evidence in case the fines are challenged in court, through a system currently in place on ten Traffic Police vehicles on roads A1 and DN7.

Romanian Doctors May Not Reject Patients Over Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation

Romanian medical personnel is obligated to provide consultation only to someone previously accepted as a patient, but may not reject a person on grounds of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or other criteria of discrimination prohibited by law, says the new healthcare bill.

Romanians To Lose Social Benefits For Five Months Over Unpaid Local Taxes

Romanians receiving social aid, such as children's allowance, child-rearing stipends, minimum guaranteed income and family support allowance, will lose these benefits for five months if they fail to pay their local taxes.

Romania To Create Telecom Network In 2015 For Unconnected Areas, With EUR84M From EU

Every area of Romania still without Internet coverage will be provided with such services starting in 2015, upon the completion of a telecom network financed by the European Union with EUR84 million, Communication Minister Valerian Vreme said Tuesday.

Romanian Mothers To Receive Child-Rearing Benefits After Third Birth – Bill

Romanian senators Emilian Francu (liberal) and Elena Mitrea (social democrat) have put forward a bill whereby maternity leave and child-rearing benefits will be provided for all births, not only the first three, starting in 2013.

Romanian Parliament Committees Approve Budget Of Ministry Of EU Affairs

The 2012 budget of Romania's Ministry of European Affairs, amounting to 86.7 million lei (EUR20 million), was approved Monday by the specialty Parliament committees.

Romanian Parliament Defense Committees OK Interior Ministry’s Draft 2012 Budget

The Romanian Parliament’s defense committees on Monday approved during a joint meeting the draft 2012 budget of the Interior Ministry, of 7.29 billion lei (EUR1.67 billion).

Romanian Parliament Committees OK Agriculture Ministry Budget

The committees for agriculture in the Romanian Parliament on Monday approved the 2012 budget of the Agriculture Ministry, of 14.9 billion lei (EUR3.42 billion), nearly RON1 billion lower than this year's RON15.8 billion.

Romanian Tenants To Withhold And Pay Taxes Owed By Landowners

Taxes owed by Romanian landowners will be withheld and transferred to the budget by the tenants, and the owners will not have to file a statement on their income from rents if they choose for their net income to be determined by applying a flat tax rate.

Romanian PM Assures Laid Off Miners They Will Receive Severance Pay

Romania's Government will find ways to pay severance for laid off miners, until the European Union approves state aid for these units, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday on the public TV station.

Small Romanian Vegetable, Fruit Producers To Pay Income Taxes

All small Romanian producers of vegetables, fruit, flowers, cereal and wood will pay a tax of 16% on net income, while livestock farmers, beekeepers and silkworm farmers who do not sell to collectors or processors will continue to be exempted, according to a proposed amendment to the Tax Code.

Romanian Interior Ministry Proposes Holding Local, Parliament Elections Simultaneously

Romania's Ministry of Interior has proposed holding the elections for local authorities and for the Parliament at the same time, arguing that this would reduce the total cost from EUR43 million to around EUR22 million.

Romanian Govt Keeps Livestock Subsidy At Current Level, Over Budget Constraints

Romania's Government has allotted over 1 billion lei (EUR230 million) for subsidies per head for sheep, goats and cattle, but will not increase the amount per head, despite the number of subsidized animals increasing by about 1 million heads since last year.

Entire Bucharest-Constanta Highway To Be Open For Traffic By Summer 2012 – Minister

Romanian Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said that the entire Bucharest- Constanta highway will be open for traffic by summer next year, as work on the Cernavoda- Medgidia and Medgidia- Murfatlar sections is on schedule.

Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Bill Making November 30 Legal Holiday

Romania's Senate on Tuesday tacitly adopted a bill making November 30, the feast of Saint Andrew, a legal non-working holiday.

Romanian Military Personnel Must Join Private Pension Fund Within Seven Months

Romanian military personnel, police agents and special employees of the defense and prison administration systems will be required to sign up for a private pension within seven months, with the exception of agents with classified identities.

US Ambassador: 81% Of Romanian Applicants Received Non-Immigrant Visas For USA In 2010

U.S. Ambassador Mark Gitenstein said Tuesday that 29,000 Romanians, about 81% of those who applied, received temporary visas for the U.S. in 2010, an increase of 3,000 over 2009.

Romanian Senate Approves Bill On Medical Practices In Schools

Romania's Senate on Monday adopted a bill concerning medical and dentist practices in public and private schools.

Romanian PM: Next Budget Revision To Give More To Health, Culture, Investments

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said the government will revise the state budget next week at the latest, providing more funds to the ministries of Health, Culture and those running investments in infrastructure.

Romanian Govt Cuts Subsidy For Residential Construction Through Mortgage Loans

Romania's Government has decided not to subsidize the construction of homes through mortgage loans, arguing that budget revenues are insufficient to continue support for this program, and will limit the benefit to applications already filed.

Romanian Lower House Ratifies Missile Defense Shield Agreement

Romania's Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday adopted the bill on the ratification of the U.S.-Romanian agreement on the deployment of a U.S. ballistic missile defense system in Romania.

EBRD: Romanian Public Sector Hiring Kept Unemployment Low

Unemployment remained low in Romania in 2008-2010, compared with the levels recorded in Central Europe and the Baltic states, mainly because unemployment was relatively low even before the crisis and the public sector absorbed a lot of personnel, says a report by the EBRD.

Romanian Homeowners May Pay Taxes As Individuals For Up To 5 Rooms Let To Tourists

Romanian homeowners who let between one and five rooms to tourists will be able to declare their income and pay taxes without registering as self-employed persons, according to a draft amendment to the Tax Code, due to enter force on January 1.

EC Report: Free Movement Of Romanian, Bulgarian Workers Increased EU GDP By 0.3%

The free movement of Romanian and Bulgarian workers has increased the EU's GDP by 0.3%, says the EC's report on the Functioning of the Transitional Arrangements on Free Movement of Workers, which points out that restricting this right is not the answer to the EU's labor market problems.

Government To Cut Early Education Coupons, Limit Travel Discounts For Pensioners

Romania's Government will not provide next year the new social coupons only just introduced through the new education law, destined for low-income households with preschool children, will cut indemnities for veterans of the 1989 revolution and will restrict travel discounts.

Refunds For Romanian Scheme Scrappage Vouchers Disbursed Until December 23

Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Friday that the last refunds for vouchers through the car scrappage program will be disbursed on December 23, instead of December 12, following requests from voucher holders.