Radu Bostan

Romanian Govt Decides Health Ministry Will Coordinate Health Insurance House

Romania's Health Ministry will coordinate the National Health Insurance House, but the House will remain autonomous and in charge of the healthcare budget, the Government decided Wednesday through an emergency ordinance.

Romanian Lower House Will Re-Read Bill On Pension Health Insurance Contributions – PM

Romania's ruling coalition still supports requiring health insurance contributions from pensions higher than 740 lei (EUR174) and the ordinance introducing this measure will be sent back to the committee for labor by the Chamber of Deputies plenum, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Romanian Railway Unionists Threaten New Strikes Over Planned Salary Cuts

Romanian state-owned railway CFR unionists are prepared to go on strike again if the management reduces the working week to four days, "Miscare-Comercial" union federation president Gheorghe Fratica told MEDIAFAX on Wednesday.

Romanian Labor Min: 2012 Pension Indexation Depends On 3Q Results

Romanian Labor Minister Sebastian Lazaroiu said Tuesday that, although the Government has approved raising pensions according to inflation and 50% of the raise in gross wages in 2012, 2013 and 2014, this measure will not be implemented if data on budget collections in the third quarter "looks bad."

Romania To Introduce Vehicle Emissions Certificate, Eliminate Pollution Tax In 2013

Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Tuesday that, in mid-2012 or in 2013, he plans to eliminate the pollution tax paid upon a car's first registration and introduce a "green card" certifying the amount of emissions produced by the vehicle.

Economic Growth Needs Stable Prices – Central Bank Governor

Romanian central bank governor Mugur Isarescu on Monday said that growth cannot be achieved merely by using more money, and economic growth requires stable prices.

Romania May Keep Some Energy Price Regulation Beyond 2015

Romanian energy regulator ANRE may keep applying current pricing regulations for electricity and gas beyond 2015, for certain categories of clients, despite deregulation agreements concluded between the government and the International Monetary Fund.

Romanian Transport Min: Bucharest-Constanta Highway To Be Completed By End-2012

Romanian Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said that, by the end of next of year, the Bucharest-Constanta highway will be completed and open for traffic, and the ministry will finish evaluating the bids received for the construction of the 20.5 km-long Cernavoda-Medgidia section.

Romanian Govt Approves New Heating Aid Income Caps

Romania's Government on Wednesday approved the new income ceilings, according to which heating subsidies will be provided from the state budget during the winter.

Romania Ready To Evacuate 15,000 People From Syria

Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi said there are plans for the evacuation of the 15,000 Romanians in Syria through various means – by air, by sea or by land – but he hopes such a move will not be necessary.

Romanian Govt Approves Creation Of Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority

Romania's Government on Tuesday approved the creation of the Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority, under the Transport Ministry, in charge of regulating and coordinating public passenger transport in Bucharest and Ilfov county.

Romanian Health Minister: Co-payment To Regulate, Optimize System

Co-payment in Romanian healthcare will have a regulating effect, will optimize the patient's flow through the system and will reduce the unjustified use of certain services, such as hospital treatment, Health Minister Ladislau Ritli said Tuesday.

Romania Suspended From Trading Emission Certificates For At Least Six Months – Minister

Romania will be suspended from trading greenhouse gas emission certificates for at least six months, said Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely on Monday.

Romanian Education Ministry Drafts Premier Student Statute

The rights and obligations of students have been set down for the first time by Romania's Education Ministry in the Student's Statute, which provides the right to free education and to be informed of the ways tuition and other fees are set by the university.

Romanian PM Appoints New Head Of Environment Protection Agency

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Monday appointed Gabriel Abos head of the National Environment Protection Agency (ANPM), replacing Iosif Nagy, who resigned after Romania was barred from trading green certificates.

Romanian Interior Ministry To Lay Off 5,500 Employees In October – Minister

Romanian Interior Minister Traian Igas said Friday that 5,500 ministry employees will be laid off in October, but the reorganization process will not end.

Around 370,000 Romanian Firms To Send Income Tax Statement Quarterly – PM

Around 370,000 Romanian companies with a turnover of up to EUR100,000 and no more than two employees will send their income tax statement every quarter, instead of every month, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Romanian PM Asks Ministries Outside Fiscal Strategy For 2012 Expense Estimates

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday asked the ministries not included in the 2012-2014 fiscal strategy to present their own expense estimates for 2012, which will be used in drafting the state budget for next year, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania To Adopt Clawback Tax, Allot RON150M For Healthcare Next Week – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday asked the new Health Minister, Ladislau Ritli, to present a bill on the clawback tax next week and complete the C2 list of generic drugs, after which the Government will allot the ministry 150 million lei (EUR35 million) from the reserve fund.

Romania Issues Travel Warning For Greece, Following Malaria Reports

Romania's Health Ministry warns people planning to travel to Greece that cases of malaria infection have been reported in the Peloponnese (south), and a person who returned to Romania after spending two months in Greece was also infected.

Fire In Danube Delta Destroys 300 Hectares Of Vegetation

Around 300 hectares of vegetation in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation, southeastern Romania, have burned down in a fire that began Saturday afternoon.

Romanian Environment Min: Rosia Montana Mining Project Does Not Need EU Approval

The Rosia Montana project must comply with European best practice guidelines regarding cyanide mining, but does not require any special authorization from the European Commission, Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely told MEDIAFAX.

Universal Studios International Sues Romanian National Broadcaster For $11M

Universal Studios International, a subsidiary of NBC Universal, has sued Romanian national television company SRTv and is claiming $11 million in unpaid license fees for a number of films and television series, The Hollywood Reporter writes.

Romanian President: Rosia Montana Project Must Be Done But With Renegotiated Profit Sharing

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday that the Rosia Montana gold mining project "must be carried out," because Romania needs it, "but only after a renegotiation of the sharing of benefits."

Romanian PM Wants Govt Resources Directed Mainly To Quick Investments

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc asked the ministers to prioritize investment projects that can be implemented quickly and that have a multiplier effect, in order for the gross domestic product to grow by 1.5% this year, the target agreed upon with the IMF and European Commission.

Romanian National Health Insurance House Remains Autonomous

Romania's National Health Insurance House will remain autonomous and in charge of the healthcare budget, and its head will still be appointed by the prime minister, but it will acknowledge the health minister's authority in the implementation of public policies.

Ce ne învaţă filmele. Vezi 100 de replici sau fapte celebre

Toţi ne uităm la filme, mai ales la cele realizate la Hollywood, şi toţi am observat câteva stereotipii şi am învăţat unele replici şi fapte, astfel încât toate acţiunile au devenit aproape previzibile.

Ce avere are Ritli Ladislau, ministrul propus de UDMR pentru Sănătate

Ritli Ladislau, nominalizat de UDMR pentru funcţia de ministru al Sănătăţii, are, conform celei mai recente declaraţii de avere, un teren forestier de 300 de metri pătraţi, două apartamente, o casă de vacanţă şi un autoturism Peugeot 207.

Lucian Duţă despre trecerea CNAS în coordonarea Ministerului Sănătăţii: Aştept un document oficial

Preşedintele Casei Naţionale de Asigurări de Sănătate, Lucian Duţă, a declarat, miercuri, pentru MEDIAFAX că nu vrea să facă niciun comentariu privind trecerea CNAS în coordonarea Ministerului Sănătăţii până nu va exista un document oficial în acest sens.

Prognoza meteo: Cum va fi vremea joi şi vineri în ţară şi în Bucureşti

Joi, vremea va fi predominant frumoasă în ţară. Cerul va fi variabil la senin, cu unele înnorări în Oltenia, nord-vestul Munteniei şi la munte, unde doar izolat vor fi ploi de slabe, de scurtă durată. Vântul va sufla slab şi moderat.

Cine este Ritli Ladislau, propunerea UDMR pentru conducerea Ministerului Sănătăţii

UDMR precizează că Ritli Ladislau este unul dintre cei mai reputaţi medici din Oradea, ocupând de-a lungul ultimilor 30 de ani mai multe funcţii administrative. S-a născut la Oradea, la 8 iunie 1948, şi a absolvit Facultatea de Medicină din Timişoara în anul 1973 ca şef de promoţie.

Romania’s Hungarian Minority Party Nominates Ladislau Ritli For Health Minister

The Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) proposed Ladislau Ritli to lead the Ministry of Health, which will also "coordinate" the National Health Insurance House, as per an agreement between UDMR and ruling coalition partners PDL.

Three Women Stabbed In W Romania, Suspect Detained

Three women were stabbed Tuesday at different times in Timisoara, western Romania, and police have detained a man suspected of having committed the third stabbing, who also claims responsibility for the other two.

Romanian Public Wage Rights Kept Intact This Year, Decided Through Budget In 2012 – PM

Romania's fiscal strategy was agreed upon with the EU and IMF, and does not affect current public wages or pensions, but the value of these payments in 2012 will be set through next year's budget and wage law, according to developments on foreign markets, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian CNH Debt To Budget Widens To RON4.6B In 1H

Romanian state-owned coal mining company CNH’s total debt to the government budget widened 13% to 4.67 billion lei (EUR1.1 billion) in the first half of 2011, the country’s fiscal authority ANAF said Wednesday.

Romania Raises Fines For Failure To Repair Buildings With High Seismic Risk – Draft

The Romanian Development Ministry significantly increases fines charged to homeowners and local authorities who fail to carry out technical inspections and start rehabilitation works on buildings considered to have a high seismic risk.

Romania To Wait Until 2014 To Finance Education System By 6% Of GDP

Romania's Government will extend the deadline by which it must provide at least 6% of the GDP to the education system by two years, until 2014, arguing that it would entail an additional budgetary burden of more than 46 billion lei (over EUR10 billion) in 2012 and 2013.

Romania To Increase Budget Earnings Through New Building, Land, Vehicle Tax System

Romania's Government will change the building, land and vehicle tax system, introducing a new calculation method that will allow earnings from this source to increase by more than 1 billion lei (EUR233 million) over the next three years.

Romania To Keep Public Sector Hiring Frozen, Halt Bonuses, Overtime Until 2014

Romanian public sector employees will receive no vacation, gift or meal vouchers until 2014, no bonuses until 2013 and will be rewarded for overtime with free hours only, according to the Government's fiscal-budgetary strategy for 2012-2014.

Romania Halts Certain Pension Raises Until 2014, Over High Additional Expenses

Romania's Government will block certain pension raises, which would have taken effect next year, until 2014, arguing that the lack of a "sustainable framework" for the pension law's application will increase the social security budget deficit.