Tudor Ioana Raluca

Romanian Fmr Health Min: Reforms Should Go Hand In Hand With Ensuring Financial Support

Romania’s former Health Minister Attila Cseke, who resigned Thursday over a budget dispute, said the situation of the country’s healthcare system is even more serious than in the previous years, and added reforms in the sector must go hand in hand with financial support.

Romania On The Right Track With Ecotourism Strategies – UNWTO Oficial

Romania’s tourism strategies promoting the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube Delta are right and in line with the European trend in the tourism sector, Taleb Rifai, secretary general of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), said Monday after a meeting with Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea.

Lăzăroiu vrea să se dedice analizei politice, activitatea să nu fie asociată Preşedinţiei

Sebastian Lăzăroiu, care va fi eliberat din funcţia de consilier prezidenţial de la 1 mai, precizează, într-o declaraţie remisă MEDIAFAX, că doreşte să se dedice analizei politice şi că nu vrea ca analizele sale politice să fie asociate instituţiei prezidenţiale.

Romanian Foreign Min Receives Bill For RON1M From Airline Tarom For Evacuation Flight

The Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry received a bill for over 1 million lei (about EUR245,000) from state-owned airline Tarom for the flight evacuating Romanian citizens from Japan in March, ministry official Doris Mircea said Thursday.