Grupa A:
Africa de Sud: Sandton, hotel Southern Sun Grayton
Mexic: Gauteng, Thaba ya Bastswana Eco Lodge
Uruguay: Kimberley, Protea Hotel
Franţa: Knysna, Pezula Resort Hotel
Grupa B:
Argentina: Pretoria, High Performance Centre
Nigeria: Durban, Hampshire Hotel
Coreea de Sud: Gauteng, Hunter’s Rest Hotel
Grecia: Durban, Beverley Hills Hotel
Grupa C:
Anglia: Rustenburg, Bafckeng Sports Academy
SUA: Pretoria, Irene Country Lodge
Algeria: San Lamer, Mondazur Resort
Slovenia: Johannesburg, Hyde Park Southern Sun
Grupa D:
Germania: Centurion, Velmore Hotel
Australia: Gauteng, Kloofzicht Lodge
Serbia: Johannesburg, Sunnyside Park Hotel
Ghana: Gauteng, Rode Valley
Grupa E:
Olanda: Sandton, Hilton
Danemarca: Knysna, Simola Hotel Country
Japonia: George, Fancourt Hotel
Camerun: Durban, Oyster Box
Grupa F:
Italia: Centurion, Leriba Lodge
Paraguay: Pietermaritzburg, Woodridge Hotel
Noua-Zeelandă: Gauteng, Serengati Golf Estate
Slovacia: Pretoria, The Villas Luxury Suite
Grupa G:
Brazilia: Johannesburg, The Fairway
Coreea de Nord: Johannesburg, Protea Hotel Midrand
Coasta de Fildeş: Durban, Riverside Hotel Vanderbijlpark
Portugalia: Gauteng, Valley Lodge
Grupa H:
Spania: Potchefstroom, PUK Sports Village
Elveţia: Gauteng, Emerald Casino
Honduras: Johannesburg, Hotel Indeba
Chile: Johannesburg, Ingwenyama.