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- BUCURESTI, (26.09.2024, 22:35)
Catedra UNESCO pentru Interculturalitate, Bună Guvernanţă şi Dezvoltare Durabilă aniversează 25 ani
Catedra UNESCO pentru Interculturalitate, Bună Guvernanţă şi Dezvoltare Durabilă aniversează 25 de ani.
Pentru a marca această ocazie specială, care coincide cu aniversarea a 160 de ani ai Universităţii din Bucureşti pentru care Facultatea de Filosofie, cea care deţine catedra UNESCO, este şi facultate fondatoare, profesori, cercetători, alumni, studenţi şi colaboratori se reunesc în cadrul celei de-a doua ediţii a Conferinţei Internaţionale The Future of UNESCO Chapters. Tema ediţiei de anul acesta este Intercultural Perspectives On Autonomy, Freedom And Independence: Philosophy as a School of Freedom. Conferinţa va avea loc la Facultatea de Filosofie, în regim hibrid, vineri, 27 septembrie şi este organizată de Prof. Univ. Dr. Viorel Vizureanu, Lect. Univ. Dr. Oana Şerban, Dr. Lilian Ciachir şi Drd. Andreea Vlad.
Începând cu anul universitar 2014-2015, Facultatea de Filosofie a integrat Catedra UNESCO în Departamentul de Filosofie Practică şi Istoria Filosofiei. În cadrul acesteia se desfăşoară exclusiv programe interdisciplinare de masterat în limba engleză.
• Communication and Intercultural Studies
Courses in English
• Intercultural Management
Courses in English
• Business Administration (MBA)
Courses in English
Cele 3 masterate propuse de această Catedră le oferă studenţilor şansa de a lucra cu profesori de la universităţi şi institute de cercetare prestigioase din Europa, ca Universităţile din Fribourg, Geneva, Hamburg, Dortmund şi Corte.
25 years of the UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development
The UNESCO Chair in Interculturality, Good Governance and Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest is pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the International Conference The Future of UNESCO Chapters: Intercultural Perspectives on Autonomy, Freedom and Independence. Philosophy as a School of Freedom.
The two anniversaries mark the enduring educational traditions and solid organizational cultures that have over time strengthened the prestige of our academic community. In this context, it is our responsibility to evaluate the reception, at the level of the public sphere and contemporary mentalities, of the role that the Humanities field — and especially the discipline of Philosophy — holds in shaping rational, free and responsible citizens.
The on-going debates on the relationship between culture and education are becoming increasingly thorny, focusing on the reform processes and also on the public policy improvements in these fields. In such situations, we notice how rarely the role of Philosophy is invoked — the same Philosophy which UNESCO recognizes as a “school of human freedom” (Philosophy as a School of Freedom – 2007) and to whom it dedicates, ever since 2008, a commemorative day every third Thursday in the month of November.
Thus, we intend to investigate to what extent intercultural perspectives regarding fundamental values such as autonomy, freedom, and independence can be supported through a philosophical education in a global paideic space, by training citizens capable of understanding and respecting pluralism, diversity and equality between people. The subject of how philosophy upholds the education of cultural imagination, nurturing empathy and solidarity between individuals of different origins, together with the topic of various beliefs and histories will be approached through the lens of UNESCO’s stated objectives since 1998 — following a world conference dedicated to the differences between institutionalized philosophical education and philosophizing in the public space — up until today, when philosophy is employed as a form of life education through formal/non-formal/informal means.
Comunicatul publicat şi furnizat de Novelty Publish
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