Saudi Industrial City Giga-Project Adds New Direct Investments and Contracts

Publicat: 24 11. 2022, 17:02
Actualizat: 24 11. 2022, 17:04

New investment agreements will contribute to food sustainability in the country and further develop the advanced living environment for Jazan City for Primary and Downstream Industries.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia implements the ambitious strategies of Vision 2030 to diversify the economy and unlock the potential of non-oil sectors. One of the giga-projects launched in alignment with Vision 2030 is Jazan City for Primary and Downstream Industries (JCPDI), an industrial city and strategic logistics hub in the southwestern region of the country, on the Red Sea. Today JCPDI announced several investment agreements and projects worth over 267 million USD. New investments in JCPDI aim to promote the economic diversification of the Kingdom, increase the private sector contribution in the economy and attract new foreign direct investments. Overall investments in JCPDI now exceed 26,7 billion USD.



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