Tourism of the passions in Basilicata, from herbs to the stars Art and scenery in ancient hamlets
From astronomy to art and scenery in ancient hamlets, from workshops to guided tours in parks and gardens among wild herbs and flowers, fairy tales and magic: Basilicata opens up to experiential tourism, allowing visitors to live out and share their passions.
Off the usual tourist trail, the region offers visitors many original opportunities to rediscover places of true anthropological beauty, culture and tradition and recharge by immersing themselves in nature, rediscovering the charm of traditions, sampling typical dishes and practising outdoor sports.
Lucania, with its incredible biodiversity protected by two national parks, three regional parks and several nature reserves, is the ideal place to discover wild herbs, flowers and medicinal plants during an excursion with experts in alimurgy, the science that studies the use of edible wild plants, better known today as ‘foraging’.
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