User-friendly 5G smartphone with top features for self-confident people

Publicat: 01 08. 2023, 13:01
Actualizat: 01 08. 2023, 13:03

The Austrian manufacturer emporia has sold more than 17 million phones so far. Now the Linz-based company is launching the new E series and opening a new chapter. „With the emporia E6, we are targeting self-confident people aged 45 to 65, who value a high-end product that is easy to use, offers security and meets all the standards that are placed on a smartphone today,” says Eveline Pupeter, sole owner and managing director of emporia Telecom international.

The emporia E6 plays technically in the same league as the Samsung A series. Latest 5G technology, top camera and Camera Pro, NFC, fingerprint sensor, voice input.

Despite the high-tech features, the Austrian Company has not forgotten what made emporia the technology leader and three-time Senior Smartphone Manufacturer of the Year in Germany: Ease of use thanks to the patented emporia interface, charging cradle, state-of-the-art technical support for those with limited hearing et cetera.


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