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FOTO Cercetătorii germani dau liber la spectacole. Care este cheia organizării concertelor în siguranţă

FOTO Cercetătorii germani dau liber la spectacole. Care este cheia organizării concertelor în siguranţă

Liber la spectacole, spun cercetătorii de la Universitatea Halle din Germania. Dr. Stefan Moritz, care a condus studiul, a organizat în august acelaşi concert şi a aşezat 1.500 de spectatoi, în trei variante diferite. Spectatorii au purtat brăţări care au urmărit distanţa şi contactul dintre aceştia. Organizatorii au analizat şi felul în care a circulat aerul în sală.

Concluziile? Mare parte din contactele dintre oameni au loc la intrarea în sala de spectacol şi în pauze, iar ventilaţia e cheia. Într-o sală bine ventilată, spun cercetătorii, nu vor fi probleme. 90% dintre participanţii la studiu au spus că nu i-a deranjat să poarte mască în timpul concertului. Dacă organizatorii se ţin de măsurile de igienă, evenimentele lor nu vor creşte numărul infectărilor.



Pretty interesting event yesterday in Leipzig: scientists organized an indoor concert called RESTART-19 with over a thousand volunteers, who all underwent a Covid test within the previous 48 hours, to gather data on risk factors for Covid-19 infection transmission. Everyone wore a tracking device that recorded their movements, hand disinfectant was combined with a tracing substance so that people left an invisible mark on anything they touched and sensors recorded aerosols following air currents. Singer Tim Bendzko performed with his band and the audience watched under different scenarios according to how they were seated. And yes, the study included concession breaks with free food and drinks! The whole thing was led by the University Hospital of Halle/Saale and the medical faculty of the Martin Luth University Halle-Wittenberg. #gettyimages #gettyimagesnews #covid19 #coronavirus #science #timbendzko #leipzig #restart19 #germany

O postare distribuită de Sean Gallup (@seangallup) pe

Aug 22, 2020 la 11:34 PDT


???? ????????? ??? ???????-?? Mein Fazit des heutigen Tages ist sehr positiv. Die Organisatoren der Studie Restart-19 haben wirklich gute Arbeit geleistet. Die verschiedenen Szenarien waren schlüssig und konnten von den Probanden gut umgesetzt werden. Die Verknüpfung von Unterhaltung für die Teilnehmer und wissenschaftlicher Erhebung war durchdacht und hygienisch sicher gestaltet. In den kommenden Tagen werden wir einen ausführlicheren Bericht zur Studie veröffentlichen. Ich kann allerdings schon jetzt sagen, dass heute eindeutig bewiesen werden konnte, dass man auch bei mehrstündigem Tragen einer Maske keinen Schaden nimmt. Man kann sogar tanzen und mitsingen, wenn einem danach ist. ? An alle Kollegen und Kolleginnen, die vor Ort waren, geht ein dickes Danke! Schön, dass Ihr da wart und teilweise weite Anreisen auf Euch genommen habt! Es war schön, Euch mal wieder gesehen zu haben! Gute Nacht – Susanne #wirgemeinsamjetzt #restart19 #wirfuereuch @bendzko @dhfkhandball @stefanmoritz74

O postare distribuită de ISDV e.V. (@isdv_ev) pe

Aug 22, 2020 la 12:56 PDT


Participants wearing FFP2 protective face masks watch singer Tim Bendzko perform in the RESTART-19 Covid transmission risk assessment study in a concert setting at an indoor arena during the coronavirus pandemic in Leipzig, Germany. The study, organized by the University Hospital of Halle (Saale), simulates a live concert venue with several thousand audience members in three different scenarios in order to develop risk reduction measures for large events. ➡️ Participants wear tracer devices to track their movements and sensors measure aerosol currents in the arena. All participants had to undergo a COVID-19 test within the last 48 hours and test negative in order to take part. l August 22, 2020 l ?: @seangallup l #GettyImagesNews⁠ l #GettyImages25 l #CapturingThePresent _⁠⠀ Click on Link in Bio for more⁠⠀

O postare distribuită de Getty Images (@gettyimages) pe

Aug 22, 2020 la 2:31 PDT