Around 34% Of Romanian Farmers Applied For Payments Per Hectare In March

Almost 384,000 Romanian applied for payments by hectare in March, accounting for 34% of the estimated number of farmers who will request subsidies as part of the campaign between March 2 and May 15, according to the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA).

6 afișări

Compared to the number of farmers in each Romanian county, the highest percentage of requests was filed in Ilfov (52.6%), Valcea (45.9%) and Calarasi (42.9%), according to an APIA statement. In absolute value, the most applications were in Suceava (18,100), Olt (16,300) and Dolj (16,600).

As part of last year’s campaign, around 1.16 million farmers submitted requests for payments by hectare, woth EUR60.75 per ha, payable in RON at an exchange rate of RON3.7413 to EUR1, plus complementary payments of EUR46.71 per ha.

The subsidy amount for 2009 is EUR115.9 per ha, with almost EUR1 billion allotted from EU funds and the state budget.

To be eligible for the aid, a farmer must work an area of at least one hectare, divided into plots of at least 0.3 ha each.

The program is financed by the European Fund for Agricultural Guarantees (FEGA), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADR) and the budget of the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture.

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