Romanian Procurement Watchdog Notifies Govt On Shady Deals At Pwr Co

Publicat: 31 03. 2009, 13:59
Actualizat: 18 11. 2012, 20:22

„We decided to notify the Government’s Control Body so that the legal measures necessary can be taken,” said ANRMAP president Cristina Traila in a press release.

ANRMAP completed in March an investigation on the legality of three vehicle procurement contracts signed by Hidroelectrica in 2008.

The first contract, worth a total RON1.6 million targeted the purchase of three off-road vehicles and 11 SUVs. Through the second agreement, which totaled RON1.67 million, Hidroelectrica bought 12 off-road vehicles, while the third contract involved the purchase of four double-cab pick-up trucks, with a total cost of RON499,600.

„In addition, the contracting authority purchased an additional amount of products, without organizing a new open auction procedure. For this violation of current legislation, ANRMAP applied a sanction worth a total RON35,000,” said the press release.

For each auction, only one company submitted a bid, Revo Cars SRL from Olanesti, Valcea county.

Hidroelectrica bought last year vehicles worth a total RON8.1 million.

Romanian institutions and state owned companies bought in 2008 vehicles, laptops and furniture worth over EUR500 million.

Hidroelectrica is the cheapest producer of electricity in Romania and is held by the Ministry of Economy.