Thus, Distrigaz Sud asked ANRE to increase the gas distribution price by 11.1% as of January 1, from RON19.46/MWh to RON21.63/MWh.
Also, it asked ANRE to increase the gas supply price by 61.9%, from RON5.02/MWh at RON8.13/MWh.
Due to ANRE not enforcing the request price hikes, Distrigaz Sud posted losses of RON29.26 million on the gas distribution sector and of RON35.06 million on the gas supply one in the first quarter of the year.
Distrigaz Sud, owned by Gaz de France, distributed 18.75 million MWh of natural gas in the first quarter, down 23% from 21.76 million MWh in the same period a year ago. It supplied 11.27 million MWh of gas in the first quarter, down 4% on the year.
Also, E.ON Gaz Romania posted losses of RON77.41 million on the gas distribution sector in the first quarter, and RON38.17 million losses on the gas supply sector, on ANRE refusal to increase the gas prices.
E.ON, the former Distrigaz Nord, bought by Germany’s E.ON in 2005, distributed 12.73 million MWh of gas and supplied 10.2 million MWh of gas in the first quarter of 2009.
Distrigaz Sud and E.ON Gaz Romania asked ANRE to hike gas prices as of April 1, but the authority decided to keep the prices unchanged and admitted it could had cut them by 3% at most.
Also, the gas prices could set under RON100/MWh as of the fall, from the current RON102.48/MWh, according to ANRE.