Clients Shoplifting To Top Personnel Steals In ’09 - UTI

The clients will steal more than the personnel from Romanian stores in 2009, unlike the previous years, when the staff shoplifting was more frequent, Simona Dinca, general manager of UTI Retail Solutions, said Wednesday.

11 afișări

Dinca stated that the situation is triggered by the current financial crisis as well as by the fact that many Romanians working abroad returned home.

UTI Retail Solutions representatives estimate the losses caused by theft represent around 1-2% of the sales volume in a shopping center.

The top stolen products include sportswear, leather clothes, small articles with high value, such as cosmetics and alcoholic beverages, Dinca stated.

UTI Retail Solutions, part of Romanian group of companies UTI, owned by businessman Tiberiu Urdareanu, specializes in security solutions for commercial and industrial spaces.

In 2008, the company reported a turnover of over EUR20 million.

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