Romanian Central Depository To Cut Maximum Fee For Treasuries Transactions At RON50

Publicat: 31 03. 2009, 14:12
Actualizat: 01 05. 2020, 19:04

Thus, the Depository will eliminate by year-end the minimum ceiling of RON0.5 per transaction for the tax for services compensating and discounting the transactions with shares, rights or fixed-income securities, but will keep the maximum ceiling of this fee at RON50 per transaction.

In addition, the Depository submitted to the National Securities Commission CNVM and the central bank BNR for approval the setup of a new category of participants in the registry and compensation-discounting system that discounts only the transactions with Bucharest Stock Exchange treasuries. The tariffs for this category of participants are significantly lower compared with the current participation ones that will be suspended by year-end, the depository announced Tuesday in a press release.

„Thus, the Central Depository continues to reduce tariffs and fees, given that this policy is part of the institution’s strategy to lower costs for the users of its system, taking into account the current economic and financial context,” the press release stated.

By reducing taxes, the Depository aims to rise the liquidity of the transactions with BVB treasuries.