EC Aims Romania To File Multi-Annual Financing Plan For Transport Projs

The European Commission aims Romania to submit a multi-annual financing plan for co-financing projects in the transports field, the country's Ministry for Transports and Infrastructure MTI said in a statement Tuesday.

5 afișări

Minister of Transports Radu Berceanu met Tuesday a EC delegation headed by Anastassios Bougas in charge with the EC Regional Policies Unit for Romania, as well as representatives from the European Investments Bank EIB.

Berceanu presented the country’s investments priorities, stressing upon the development of the Pan European Transport Corridor IV (e.n. linking Nadlac - Arad - Timisoara - Lugoj - Deva - Orastie - Sibiu - Pitesti - Bucharest - Constanta, on the Romanian territory).

Bougas said the EC aims the Government to mainly approach POS-T projects and ensure the necessary co-financing, mainly referring at Pan European Transport Corridor IV.

The co-financing for these projects should come from using the EIB facility, Bougas said.

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