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French Sportswear Retailer Decathlon Invests EUR4M In Its 1st Romanian Store
French sportswear retailer Decathlon inaugurated Wednesday its first store in Romania, in the Militari Shopping Center from the capital city Bucharest, in a EUR4 million investment, the company stated.
The store has a 4,200 square meters area and will be opened to the public on Thursday, April 2.
"We plan to open in the next three years several stores in Romania’s largest cities, and, if things go well, we will accelerate our expansion," Decathlon Romania general manager Fabrice Beschu said Wednesday.
The store retails about 5,000 sport articles.
Besides sportswear, Decathlon offers bike, ski and tennis rackets reparation and maintenance services, alongside with clothing personalization.
Decathlon entered the Romanian market in 2000, with production activity. In partnership with some local companies, Decathlon produces in Romania several sports equipments.
Decathlon Group was founded in 1976, and currently operates over 400 stores in 15 countries.
On the Romanian market, Decathlon rivals with Intersport, Hervis Sports, Puma, Nike, adidas or Lotto.
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