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Germany’s Obi Opens 2 DIY Stores In Romania
Do-it-yourself operator Obi, part of Germany group Tengelmann, will open Thursday two stores in Romania’s western city of Arad and southern town of Pitesti, respectively, the company announced Wednesday.
Thus, the retailer’s network on the Romanian market will reach four units.
The stores have a retail area of around 10,000 square meters, the company stated.
The average investment in an Obi store is of EUR5 million, according to the German operator.
In Romania, the first two Obi stores were opened in November 2008 in the capital city Bucharest and the western town of Oradea.
The German group announced last year their intention to open at least five stores in Romania in 2009.
On the local market, OBI rivals with Praktiker, Bricostore, Mr. Bricolage and Baumax do-it-yourself retailers.
OBI is part of German group Tengelmann, which also operates in Romania the Plus discount stores network. Its do-it-yourself network has over 500 stores in Europe and employs more than 38,000 people.
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