Romanian Dacia Registrations In France Drop 16.7% In Jan-May, To Below 41,000 Cars

Registrations of new Dacia cars in France have declined 16.7% since the beginning of the year, to 40,980 units, while the local car market grew 4.4%, according to data released Wednesday by the French carmakers association CCFA.

11 afișări

In May, registrations of new cars made by Romanian carmaker Dacia declined 37%, to 6,467 units.

The Romanian carmaker’s market share dropped to 4.04% in January-May, from 5.06% in the same interval the year before. In May, Dacia’s share on the French market stood at 3.27%, compared to 5.51% in May 2010.

France’s Renault group, Dacia’s owner, posted a 8% decrease in new car registrations in January-May, to 248,674 cars.

Out of carmakers with market shares of over 0.5%, Dacia had the sharpest decline in the first five months of the year, followed by Italy’s Fiat with a decline of 13.9%).

New car registrations in France increased 4.4% in the first five months of the year, to little over one million units, of which nearly 60% were cars made by France’s PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault.

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