Romanian Eviva Energy Pays EUR675,000 For 10% Of Ground Investment Corp's Shares
Eviva Energy, a Romanian subsidiary of Portuguese group Martifer, bought at the end of 2008 a 10% stake in Bucharest-based Ground Investment Corp, for EUR675,000.
The core activity of Ground Investment Corp, with headquarters in the capital city Bucharest, is the production of energy. The company is 90% owned by a natural person, Georgiana-Octavia Badea, according to National Trade Register data.
In Romania, Eviva Energy is involved in the wind farms construction.
By 2012, Portugal’s Martifer aims to own in Romania wind farms with an installed capacity of 400-MW, almost half of the power of a nuclear reactor operated by state-owned nuclear energy company Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Cernavoda nuclear power plant. Martifer’s wind farm investment in Romania may rise to EUR600 million.
Martifer activates in European countries as Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
In Romania, Martifer is present on the biofuel market through its biodiesel factory in Lehliu, near Bucharest, also activating on the local real estate, construction, retail, logistics and renewable energy production markets.
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