Romanian Shrs Open Up, Lender On Top Spot

Romanian shares opened higher Wednesday, amid lower traded values, 56% supported by trades with shares of lender BRD.

5 afișări

At around GMT 0739, the bourse's composite index BET-C was up 1.66% from Tuesday’s closing value and the Bucharest bourse's 10-share blue-chip index BET was up 0.29%.

The BET-FI index, which tracks the five regional investment funds, or SIFs, was down 0.32%.

BET-NG, including the companies operating in energy sector and related utilities, was up 0.39% while BET-XT, which tracks the most liquid 25 listed companies, including the SIFs, was up 0.24%.

The market’s total traded value was 1.78 million lei (EUR1= RON 4.2348) at around GMT 0739.

Romanian lender Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare – Groupe Societe Generale (BRD.RO) was the top traded issuer so far Wednesday, with its shares up 1.60%.

Other top traded issuers on the bourse early Wednesday were Romania's Alro Slatina SA (ALR.RO), oil company Petrom (SNP.RO), Austria's Erste Bank AG (EBS.RO), and Banca Transilvania bank (TLV.RO).

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