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Ciolacu: Extending the state of emergency without economic measures would be a total unconsciousness

PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu argues that prolonging the state of emergency without minimum guarantees that the correct and necessary measures will be taken to prevent an economic disaster would be a total unconsciousness.The social-democrat proposes to the Government a set of social and economic steps.
Ciolacu: Extending the state of emergency without economic measures would be a total unconsciousness
Mihai Draghici
13 apr. 2020, 14:35, English

The president of the PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, wrote on Facebook on Monday that in Romania, after the first month of emergency, there are over 1,2 million Romanians who lost their jobs or are in technical unemployment, tens of thousands of companies closed and billions of euros lost.

The social-democrat argues that the Government and the president should take measures to prevent an economic disaster.

„In these conditions, the prolongation of the state of emergency without a minimum guarantee that the correct and necessary measures will be taken to prevent an economic disaster would be a total unconsciousness”, wrote Marcel Ciolacu on the social network.

He asks president Iohannis and the PNL Government that the extension of the state of emergency should be accompanied by several measures, including the transparency of information, decisions and acquisitions made by the Government during the state of emergency, a short and medium term action plan in the health field. population testing, a compulsory condition for the rapid return to work and the resumption of economic activities and economic and social measures for citizens and the business environment, for protecting the purchasing power of Romanians, # preserving jobs and limiting the effects of the economic crisis.

The PSD leader argues that the measures taken so far are „inapplicable and insufficient, as can be seen”.

Also, Marcel Ciolacu requests announcing major investment projects that the Government will start during the state of emergency in order to restart the economy and the measures to will be taken in agriculture to limit the effects of drought and to ensure the supply of food for the population.

“PSD fully understands the need to not endanger human health in any way! At the same time, however, I think that all Romanians are expecting a clear perspective from president Iohannis and the Government. We will not agree to have another month lost for citizens and for the economy!”, Ciolacu wrote on his Facebook page.

President Klaus Iohannis announced that this week he would issue a decree that will extend the state of emergency by another month.