Romanian Education Unionists Picket Govt HQ, Union Leaders Summoned For Talks

Publicat: 25 03. 2010, 12:27
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:50

Prime Minister Emil Boc invited a delegation of union leaders at the Government to meet with the education minister and Labor Minister Mihai Seitan for talks on the education sector problems that triggered protests countrywide.

Unionists also planned to picket the Education Ministry and the Labor Ministry stirred by job cuts in the education sector, wage reductions and layoffs planned for September. Teachers are also disgruntled tahy have not been consulted on the measures included in the draft education law.

Union leader Marius Nistor said last week all schools would cease activity on March 25 to hold debates on the draft education law, adding teachers would boycott national tests.

Education unionists said they decided to go on a one-day full-blown strike on April 22 and picket the Government, the Education and Labor Ministries buildings on March 25.