Romania Aug Econ Sentiment Improves On Retail Comeback

Publicat: 30 08. 2010, 13:42
Actualizat: 08 11. 2012, 05:16

In its latest business and consumer survey, the Commission said confidence in the Romanian retail trade was up three points to minus 13 in August, after a four points decline a month earlier.

Confidence in construction also gained three points to minus 40 points, while industry confidence was flat at minus 9 points.

Consumer confidence rose to minus 59 points, from minus 62 a month earlier, while confidence in services was down one point to minus 10.

In the EU, economic sentiment increased 0.6 points to 102.7, after a nearly 2 points surge in July, the Commission said.

The eurozone economic sentiment indicator was up 0.7 points to 101.8 in August.