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Romania Won’t Recognize Kosovo Until Belgrade, Pristina Solve Tensions – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Thursday said Romania will not recognize Kosovo as a state until Belgrade and Pristina settle their disputes.
Romania Won’t Recognize Kosovo Until Belgrade, Pristina Solve Tensions - President

Speaking at an annual meeting with Romania’s diplomatic corps, Basescu said Romania wants to reduce its forces in Kosovo.

„Romania will not recognize Kosovo until Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement. We have no reasons to approach disputes in the Balkans in a manner different from that in the Middle East. Our intention is to ask EU member states to rebalance presence in Kosovo and rethink participation in EULEX Kosovo (The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, n.e.). Romania participated in EULEX Kosovo provided that its presence is not regarded as support for institutional reconstruction in Kosovo,” said Basescu.