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A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan in the Capital

A partnership formed by two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan (PICA), announced Mayor General Nicuşor Dan on Friday.
A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan in the Capital
Sursa: Facebook
Petru Mazilu
21 mart. 2025, 12:39, English

According to the mayor general, PICA will generate a set of concrete measures and actions aimed at identifying sources of air pollution, assessing their impact on the environment and implementing effective solutions to reduce pollutant emissions.

The project will start from the development of a new study on air quality in Bucharest through mathematical modeling of the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants.

The contract was signed with a partnership formed by two companies: EPC – Consultanţa de Mediu and Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V. (VITO) from Belgium.

Nicuşor Dan claims that VITO has carried out air quality assessments and air quality plans for the cities of Antwerp, Ghent, throughout the entire Flanders region of Belgium, as well as other similar projects at the European level, in Hungary and Ireland.