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Justice Minister Announces Activity Report Following Two Years in Office

Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader announced on Monday that he compiled a report on his activity during his two years spent in office.
Justice Minister Announces Activity Report Following Two Years in Office
Ionut Preda
04 mart. 2019, 18:59, English

The minister said that the document is not an official report on the ministry’s activity, is 85 pages long and will be posted on the Justice Ministry’s official website later on Monday.

“I tried during my two years in office to put the citizen, who has the right pursue legitimate interests, his fundamental rights stated by the Constitution and laws, at the center of my activity (…) I tried to analyze the judicial system beyond documents left by the previous ministers,” Toader said in a press conference where he announced the report.

The minister also said that he included in the report documentation regarding progresses achieved in building new prisons, a new judicial headquarters in Bucharest and new archives.

Toader is set to face a no-confidence motion in the Lower Chamber on Wednesday, filed by opposition parties in wake of his recent judicial emergency decree. The vote is non-binding, meaning that the minister will not be forced to resign if the motion passes.