About 9.400 people have entered the country in the last 24 hours

About 19.000 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and over 13.600 means of transport have passed through border points in the last 24 hours.


Imaginea articolului About 9.400 people have entered the country in the last 24 hours

About 9.400 people have entered the country in the last 24 hours

According to the Border Police, there were approximately 9.400 people with 7.000 vehicles on the direction of entry, and 9.600 people with 6.600 vehicles on the exit.

During this period, the surveillance and control device of the state border is supplemented, both at the border crossing points and on the border strip. Every day, about 4.400 border guards are on duty, most of them at the border check points.

At the same time, about 10.800 persons and 8.400 means of transportation were presented at the border with Hungary, of which about 5.700 persons with 5.100 means of entry into the country were.

The border formalities require a longer processing time due to the fact that in addition to the specific control at the entrance to the country, the persons are taken over by the representatives of the Public Health Directorate to complete the declaration on their own responsibility and to carry out the epidemiological control.

After completing the formalities and establishing the measures taken by the medical staff at the point, the cars are taken over by the police and gendarmes to be taken to the locations set for quarantine or self-isolation.

In the areas of competence - the crossing points and the "green border" - the border guards found 13 illegal acts (3 crimes and 10 contraventions) committed by both Romanian and foreign citizens. Undeclared goods (which were to be illegally introduced into the country), which exceeded the admitted or suspected counterfeit ceiling, totaling about 2.000 lei, were discovered, independently or in collaboration with other institutions. The value of the contraventional fines applied amounts to over 2.800 lei. It was not allowed to enter the country of 5 foreign citizens, who did not fulfill the conditions provided by law.

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