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Judicial Committee Chairman: No Chance For Abolishing Magistrate Investigation Section

The chairman of the special committee tasked with overhauling Romania’s judicial bills, Florin Iordache, stated on Tuesday that he told Venice Commission members that “there is no chance” for the ruling party to give up on the criticized section for investigating magistrate offences.
Judicial Committee Chairman: No Chance For Abolishing Magistrate Investigation Section
Ionut Preda
06 nov. 2018, 18:07, English

“I’m telling you what the Social Democrat Party will do, and that recommendation regarding the special section, there is no chance we will transpose it into law. I said it in Venice, the justice minister was alongside me and said nothing,” Iordache said during debates in the committee.

He also told opposition committee members that the section “must show the system’s monstrosity”, which according to him will happen “in the next period”.

The commission launched general debates on Tuesday on approving two government decrees. one which establishes the magistrate investigation section and another which brings other amendments to the recently enacted judicial bills.

The section decree, passed by the Government on October 10, operationalized the new body, which is due to investigate possible offenses committed by magistrates, which were previously carried out by the National Anticorruption Directorate.