The ordinance targets several measures meant to enhance discipline in the sector of constructions, the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism said in a press release Wednesday.
Under the decree, constructions meant for tourism purposes, as well as constructions built on a 200-meter perimeter from the coastline, in tourist resorts and locations along the Black Sea Coast, which were erected on public or private property without building permit or by going beyond the limit of the building permit, that are either finalized or under construction, will be all pulled down.
Inspectors with the Romanian State Inspectorate for Construction will be called to ascertain the illegality of the respective constructions and will notify the Regional Development Ministry, which will further issue warnings for the owners of the respective buildings, who will have 48 hours to have the respective constructions pulled down .
If owners fail to consider the ministry’s warnings, the ministry will then proceed to have the respective buildings pulled down within 24 hours, and will subsequently recover its costs from owners.