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Romanian President Asks Court To Declare Unconstitutional 2 Govt Ordinances

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday asked the Constitutional Court to declare unconstitutional two government ordinances that were approved without prior assent from the country’s defense council CSAT, the presidency said in a statement Wednesday .
Romanian President Asks Court To Declare Unconstitutional 2 Govt Ordinances
09 ian. 2008, 15:40, English

The government emergency ordinance on the reorganization of the interior ministry, as well as the ordinance amending the Law on military pensions and the Statute of military personnel should have been approved by CSAT first and then promoted by the government, the presidency said in a statement Wednesday.

Due to the government’s “unconstitutional activity,” Basescu asked the Constitutional Court to settle the “legal conflict between the two parties, namely the government and CSAT,” the statement noted.

Basescu said the government should have presented the mentioned acts to CSAT for approval, as the ministry of interior has attributions in the field of national security.

CSAT’s prior approval was mandatory in this case, Basescu said, mentioning the government infringed the provisions of article 119 of Romanian Constitution.