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Ion Ştefan: I went to DNA on my own initiative. I give up immunity, I am willing to be investigated

The minister of Development, Ion Ştefan, has told MEDIAFAX that he presented himself to the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) as a result of accusations launched at him on a television show, according to which he had illegally allocated money for the purchase of a library in Satu Mare.
Ion Ştefan: I went to DNA on my own initiative. I give up immunity, I am willing to be investigated

„I went to the DNA on my own initiative to make myself available to the control bodies, as a result of accusations made by a citizen in a show – that I had something and I know someone – that through a Government decision I allocated amounts of money for Satu Mare County Council, to buy a library – the county library. He was saying that unclean things had happened. I went to the DNA to make myself available to the investigative bodies. I have nothing to hide, I do not know anyone, I have not had any non-procedural discussions with anyone”, Ion Stefan, minister of Development, told MEDIAFAX.

In front of the prosecutors, the minister presented the whole situation.

„What they will consider to do, to do. I have all the availability, I give up immunity, I give up everything, I am willing to be investigated, investigated”, has said Ion Stefan.

Ion Stefan showed up at the DNA headquarters on Friday morning, where he stayed less than an hour.