Romanian Teachers To Be Granted Bonuses Btw September – December 2009 – Education Min

Publicat: 25 09. 2009, 14:26
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:30

The ministry said that the bonuses that are currently paid to teachers will be granted between September and December 2009.

Following talks with the Labor Ministry, the Education Ministry corrected the mistake.

Both the Federation of Free Education Unions and the Spiru Haret Federation complained last week that the provisions of article 49 of the unitary pay law, for which the Government has taken responsibility on September 15 in Parliament, eliminate bonuses, indemnities and gratifications for teachers.

The texts in the statute of education staff which were cancelled refer to the indemnity for rural and isolated areas, the pay for the loyalty additional tranches, performance bonus, loyalty bonus, mental strain bonus, management indemnity, class teacher indemnity, pedagogical practice bonus.

The possibility to negotiate rights through the collective labor contracts was also cancelled.