Andor added the high officials to attend the conference will discuss ways to better implement programs supporting Roma people.
In the interview, Andor also denounced France’s Roma repatriation policy, stressing it is obvious that some people are trying to increase their popularity to the detriment of a highly vulnerable social category. He pointed out, however, that there is no room for racism and xenophobia in Europe.
Also, Andor deplored the fact that other countries, like Romania and Bulgaria, don’t sufficiently implement the existing programs supporting Roma people.
EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has urged the European Commission to take legal action against France over its deportations of Roma. France is accused of violating EU law, which bans discrimination against any ethnic group or nationality.
Under EU law, Roma are free to move anywhere in the EU and stay for up to three months. After that, they must have found work or be paying into a social security system. Many do not and are frequently marginalized in their host EU countries.