Albalact To Be Delisted From Bucharest Stock Exchange

The shares of dairy producer Albalact will be withdrawn from trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, starting Tuesday, April 18, after the company had been acquired by French group Lactalis.


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Albalact To Be Delisted From Bucharest Stock Exchange

Shareholders who did not cash the countervalue of shares will be able to do that at a price of RON0.5252 per share.

Albalact had been taken over by Lactalis from businessman Raul Ciurtin. The company’s shares had been suspended from trading since November 23, 2016, and its market capitalization stood at RON339 million. Lactalis, with revenue of nearly EUR17 billion and 61,000 employees, received approval to take over Albalact in July 2016.

Lactalis announced it would acquire 636.3 million shares, representing 97.49% of the share capital of Albalact whose portfolio includes the brands Zuzu, Fulga and Raraul.


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