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Romanian Business Executives Most Optimistic In CEE – Survey

Romanian executives are the most optimistic in the Central and Eastern Europe when it comes to their business outlook, with as much as 15% of managers believing the global crunch has a positive impact on their companies, according to a survey from IMAS Vienna.
Romanian Business Executives Most Optimistic In CEE - Survey
20 oct. 2009, 16:08, English

The survey, conducted at the request of Austria’s financial group Erste, indicated 63% of Romanian business executives notice a „certain effect” of the economic downturn, while 7% believe the crisis had a „strongly negative” impact on their business.

However, 16% of the polled businesspeople said the crisis had no effect on their companies whatsoever.

Austrian managers are slightly less confident in the economic development, as only 6% of the polled executives believe the crisis had a positive impact on their companies. According to the survey, 33% of Austrian businesses saw no change in their activity since the crisis begun last year.

The Ukrainians, on the other hand, are most pessimistic when it comes to their companies, as 86% of the polled executives said business got worse in the past year.

Hungarian managers are not much upbeat either, given that 82% of the respondents said the crisis had weighed down on their business activities. Only 8% of the Hungarian executives said their companies remained unaffected by the downturn.

The survey was conducted between March and July on senior executives of small and medium-sized enterprises.