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Romanian Econ Ministry Extends Public Debate On Energy Sector Reorganization Until Aug

Romania's Economy Ministry will extend until the end of July or early August the public debates on the reorganization of the country's energy production sector, as talks with companies, trade unions and employers in the energy sector have not been completed yet.
Romanian Econ Ministry Extends Public Debate On Energy Sector Reorganization Until Aug
15 iul. 2009, 13:10, English

Public debates were initially set to end Wednesday, July 15.

Economy minister Adriean Videanu said Wednesday the only remark he got fromenergy suppliers and distributors referred at ensuring a real competition on the energy market.

"Market operators such as E.ON, CEZ or Enel, had only one setback, namely the possible unfair competition triggered by including Electrica in the two national production companies. I answered with one question regarding the fact they will equally have their own energy production facilities," Videanu said.

After setting up the two national energy companies, the only market regulation will be the transparent trading of energy, through OPCOM energy market.

Videanu added that by the end of this week, the ministry would hold new talks with all market operators.

Videanu presented mid-June the structure of the two national energy companies to be set up in 2009.

Thus, the first energy company will be made of the three power plants in Oltenia, namely Turceni, Rovinari and Craiova, the nuclear reactors 1 and 2 from the nuclear power plant in Cernavoda, the state-owned brown coal mining company – Societatea Nationala a Lignitului Oltenia, or SNLO, half of the distributor and energy provider Electrica and two hydro-power plants of Hidroelectrica, namely Valcea and Slatina.

The second national energy company will be made up of power producer Electrocentrale Bucuresti, or ELCEN, the thermal power plants Deva and Paroseni, Romanian pitcoal mining company CNH – Compania Nationala a Huilei, the other half of Electrica, the hydro-power plants Portile de Fier, as well as the hydro-power plants Caransebes, Hateg, Arges, Cluj, Bistrita, Sibiu, Sebes, Buzau and Targu Jiu.

Also, the second national energy company will include Romgaz, through the thermal power plant in Iernut, which the gas producer will take over from Termoelectrica in the account of some debts.