Alessandra Mussolini Leaves ITS Group Because Of Romanian Far-Right Leader

MEP Alessandra Mussolini, member of Italian party The Social Alternative, announced her withdrawal from the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (ITS) group within the European Parliament, in response to the "offenses" brought to her family by Corneliu Vadim Tudor, leader of Romania’s far-right Greater Romania Party, ASGMedia reported.


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Alessandra Mussolini Leaves ITS Group Because Of Romanian Far-Right Leader

The agency quoted Alessandra Mussolini as saying that she made her decision as a result of the statements issued by Vadim Tudor, which offended her family and the freely expressed position regarding the safety of Italian citizens subject to continuous aggression from Romanian citizens.
In the past days, the Greater Romania Party also announced its withdrawal from the ITS group, based on disagreements with MEP Alessandra Mussolini

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